The basic research of chenwei should focus on the historical studies of knowledge formation.It should not only be analyzed from the perspective of augury and the construction process of political culture,but should be understood in the system of traditional Chinese fangshu and bowu.The author proposes a fangshu approach to the study of chenwei,and takes the Longyu hetu as a case to carry out a comprehensive study of weishu in the history of knowledge examining the establishment of its basic characters,the origin of the knowledge lineage of text structure,the growth and flow forms of fangshu,and its historical social significance,put the chenwei in the context of shushu,fangi,and wuxiang,try to reveal the"doctrinal meaning"between chenvei and fangshu in the depth of know ledge-belief-social history,and explore the possibility of a new base of chenwei research.
Journal of Chinese Literature and History