The principle of public order and good morals consists of three parts with different constitutional status: the principles of “public order”, “good morals in the public domain” and “good morals in the private domain”. The application of the frst two principles should follow the principle of proportionality, and the application of the principle of good morals in the private domain should abide by both the principle of prohibiting insufcient protection and the principle of proportionality. The new Civil Code intends to hand over the issue “unlawful cohabitation within marriage” to the judicial organs for resolution. In the “Bequest Case”, the judiciary shall fll the constitutional value into the principle of good morals to fulfll the obligation to protect for the spouse, while follow the principle of proportionality to maintain the rights of the bequeather and the mistress. By fulflling the obligation of protection, the probability of anticipation of the spouse plays an important role, including the considerations of the harm caused by the lack of cohabitation to the spouse, the spouse’s expectation of restoring the marriage and family, and whether the two parties have children, etc. The act of bequest violates the principle of public order and good morals because it damages the value of the marriage and family, but excluding the inheritance of the mistress will also cause substantial damage to the bequeather’s freedom to dispose of his own property.
China Law Review
Public Order and Good Morals
Principle of Proportionality
Principle of Prohibiting Insufcient Protection
Protection of Marriage and Family
Freedom of Testation