

The Excavation of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties Brick-chambered Tombs in the Muma Mountain Cemetery of Shuangliu,Chengdu City
摘要 2018年6—8月,成都文物考古研究院会同双流区文物保护管理所对双流区胜利镇牧马山墓地的4座东晋、南朝砖室墓进行了抢救性发掘。这批墓葬随葬器物虽少,但其规格较高且墓葬形制、墓砖纹饰和随葬器物都与南京地区关系密切。四川地区考古发现的两晋南北朝时期的砖室墓极少,牧马山墓地发现的4座砖室墓填补了四川地区这一时期砖室墓发展演变序列的空白,也为研究成都乃至四川地区两晋南北朝时期文化变迁、人群迁移及墓葬制度提供了重要资料。 From June to August 2018, Chengdu Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Shuangliu District Administration of Cultural Relics carried out archaeological excavation of 4 brick-chambered tombs from the Eastern Jin to the Southern Dynasties at the Muma Mountain Cemetery in Shengli Town of Shuangliu District, Chengdu, to cooperate with a project of Chengdu Junyang Real Estate Development Co. LTD. As the tombs had been severely disturbed, only small quantities of funerary objects were discovered, including talc pigs and a small amount of coins. It appeared to be a family cemetery as they were high-ranking tombs with similar forms and structures, elaborately built and orderly arranged, showing no sign of overlapping or cutting into one another. Based on the tomb features, such as false mullioned windows, brick coffin platforms, painted bricks and brick-laying method, as well as the analysis of unearthed artifacts, these tombs are dated to the middle and late Eastern Jin Dynasty to the early Southern Dynasties. Quite a bit of cultural elements of burials in Jiankang emerged here, such as the brick coffin platforms in tombs M2, M3 and M4, and the false mullioned windows in M2. The local tradition of setting waist pits in burials was also followed. Meanwhile, a large number of auspicious phrases were stamped on the bricks of M2, and the painted bricks in M3 resemble those from the same period discovered in Hexi region. Among the archaeological findings in the Sichuan area, only few burials of the Western and Eastern Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties are brick-chambered tombs, as the majority is cliff tombs. The discovery of Muma Mountain Cemetery fills in the blanks of the sequence of development of local brick-chambered tombs and provides important materials for the study of cultural change, population movement and funerary customs during this period.
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2022年第5期34-45,共12页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
关键词 双流区 牧马山 东晋 南朝 砖室墓 Shuangliu District Muma Mountain Eastern Jin Dynasty Southern Dynasties Brick-chambered tombs
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