

Research on the Cultivation of Higher Order Thinking and English Non-fiction Post-reading Activities
摘要 当前小学英语阅读教学在培养思维品质方面仍面临概念不清、材料缺乏、设计较弱等问题。对此,北京学校尝试将英语学科实践活动与非虚构类文本阅读相结合,为学生提供语用平台、合作机会与创意展示园地。旨在培养学生高阶思维的非虚构类文本读后活动设计突出以下几点:以终为始,确定学生能力增长点;聚焦文本主题意义,促进学生学习理解;鼓励学生与文本互动,促进学生质疑解疑;鼓励学生向外拓展,促进学生整合运用;鼓励学生创办活动,促进学生创新迁移。 At present,English reading teaching in primary schools still faces problems such as unclear concepts,lack of materials and weak design in cultivating thinking quality.In this regard,Beijing School tries to combine English activities with non-fiction reading to provide students with a pragmatic platform,cooperation opportunities and creative display garden.The design of non-fiction post-reading activities aimed at cultivating students'high-order thinking highlights the following points:Starting from the end,determine the growth point of students'ability;Focus on the theme and meaning of the text to promote students'learning and understanding;Encourage students to interact with the text,and promote students to question and solve problems;Encourage students to expand outward and promote students'integrated application;Encourage students to undertake activities and promote students'innovative transfer of learning.
作者 杨阳 YANG Yang(Beijing School,Beijing 101117,China)
机构地区 北京市北京学校
出处 《创新人才教育》 2022年第5期51-56,共6页 The Education of Innovative Talents
关键词 非虚构类文本 小学阅读 高阶思维 non-fiction text primary school reading high order thinking
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