

Professor LI Changsheng’s clinical experience in treating hemifacial spasm
摘要 面肌痉挛是以一侧面部肌肉阵发性不自主抽动为特点,无神经系统其他阳性体征的周围神经病。本病进展缓慢,如不予以治疗,一般不会自然好转,且持续时间延长,病情严重者可伴见轻度肌无力和肌萎缩,严重影响患者的生活质量。面肌痉挛属于中医学“面痉病”“筋惕肉目闰”“筋急”“面风”“眼睑动”“脾轮振跳”等范畴。李长生教授认为面肌痉挛多因肝肾亏虚、瘀血阻络、风动于上而发病,治当补肾活血通络、养肝息风止痉,投以首乌益智方。 Hemifacial spasm is a peripheral neuropathy characterized by paroxysmal involuntary twitch of one facial muscle without other positive signs of nervous system.The disease progresses slowly,will not naturally be cured,and the duration is prolonged.Severe cases may be accompanied by mild myasthenia and muscle atrophy,which seriously affect the quality of life of patients.There are many experiences in the treatment of hemifacial spasm in TCM.Professor LI Changsheng believes that hemifacial spasm is mainly due to deficiency of Liver and kidney,blood stasis blocking collaterals and wind movement.The treatment method is invigorating the kidney to promote blood circulation and dredge collaterals,and nourishing the liver to dispel wind and relieve spasm,and the Shouwu Yizhi prescription is applied clinically.
作者 王逢猛 刘蓓 赵西敏 杨晓妮 WANG Fengmeng;LIU Bei;ZHAO Ximin;YANG Xiaoni
出处 《中医临床研究》 2022年第21期31-32,共2页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 山东省中医药科技发展计划项目(2019-0634) 李长生全国名老中医药专家传承工作室 李长生山东省名老中医药专家传承工作室 赵西敏高技能人才创新工作室。
关键词 临证经验 面肌痉挛 首乌益智方 Clinical experience Hemifacial spasm Shouwu Yizhi Fang
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