

Research on Knowledge Map of Tourism Technology Innovation Based on Patent Bibliometric Analysis
摘要 为厘清旅游领域的科技创新水平,以德温特专利数据库收录的旅游领域科技创新专利为数据源,运用专利计量法对其进行申请年度量和专利权人分析,以展示旅游科技创新领域研究实力分布情况;基于德温特手工代码的中心性、词频和突显性,利用信息可视化软件CiteSpace挖掘出旅游领域科技创新研发的关键技术、热点技术与前沿技术领域。结果发现:旅游科技创新专利在全球专利申请数量中表现为增长趋势,专利权人主要集中在美国、日本、韩国,而我国的旅游创新技术发展相对落后;关键技术表现为便携设备、电子静止图像照相机和地理信息系统,热点技术表现为便携设备和软件产品等,前沿技术表现为手持平板电脑和移动无线电话系统蜂窝。由此,对我国旅游高质量发展提出如下建议:注重落实中国旅游科技创新发展规划,制定相关标准,以需求推动创新主体,增强全球数字化等深度融合。 To clarify the level of scientific and technological innovation in the tourism field,the paper takes the technological innovation patents in the tourism field recorded in the Derwent Patent Database as the data source,analyzes the patent data for the year of application and the analysis of the patentee with the bibliometric method,and displays the scientific technological innovation distribution situations in the field of tourism.At the same time,based on the centrality,word frequency and burst of Derwent manual codes,the paper uses the information visualization software CiteSpace to excavate the key technologies,hot technologies and frontier technologies created by innovation research and development in the tourism fields.The results show that the number of tourism technology innovation patents keeps increasing in the global patent applications and the patentees are mainly from the United States,Japan,and South Korea,while the development of tourism technology innovation in China is relatively backward.The key technologies include portable devices,electronic still image cameras and geographic information systems;the hot technologies include portable devices and software products,and the cutting-edge technologies include handheld tablet computers and cellular mobile wireless telephone systems.To pursue high-quality development of China's tourism,the following suggestions are thereby put forward:taking measures to implement China's science and technology innovation development plan in tourism,formulating relevant standards,promoting innovation subjects as demanded,and enhancing the deeper integration of global digitalization.
作者 巫程成 朱倩倩 方敏 WU Chengcheng;ZHU Qianqian;FANG Min(Zhejiang Academy of Culture and Tourism Development,Hangzhou 3112311,Zhejiang,China;Division of Academic Affairs and Research,Tourism College of Zhejiang,Hangzhou 311231,Zhejiang,China;Cooperation and Development Office,Tourism College of Zhejiang,Hangzhou 311231,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第5期103-111,共9页 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金艺术学项目“线上线下融合的乡村文化旅游模式及实现路径研究”(20BH156) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“基于多源异构数据的文化旅游知识图谱构建及数字化融合路径研究”(21YJCZH175) 浙江省软科学研究计划项目“全域性文化旅游的科技支撑体系与策略研究:国际经验与浙江实证”(2021C35098)。
关键词 专利计量 旅游科技创新 知识图谱 CITESPACE patent bibliometric analysis tourism technology innovation knowledge map CiteSpace
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