
南极旅游发展与管理的国际协议 被引量:3

The International Agreement on the Development and Management of Antarctic Tourism
摘要 南极旅游管理的国际组织机构主要包括南极条约协商会议(ATCM)、环境保护委员会(CEP)和国际南极旅游组织协会(IAATO)。南极条约体系(ATS)是南极一切活动必须遵循的国际协议,南极旅游活动须充分维护ATS的基本价值与原则,维护和平、科学研究和环境保护是ATS的三大原则。1998年协商国签字生效的《环境保护议定书》规定在开展南极旅游活动前必须进行环境影响评估,要求每项活动须根据其可能产生的影响进行初步评估、初步环境评估或综合环境评估。目前南极旅游的主要监管主体为《南极条约》缔约方的主管部门和IAATO,除IAATO的行业准则自我监管外,ATCM对监管政策拥有决策权,其他组织和国家仅参与讨论和提供建议。目前对于南极旅游管理的推进主要体现在《南极条约》缔约方内部政策法规的完善、国际沟通平台的搭建和南极区域特定指南的制定3个方面。中国的南极旅游人数逐渐增多,但尚未加入IAATO。 There are mainly 3 international organizations for Antarctic tourism management. The Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting(ATCM), the Committee for Environmental Protection(CEP), and the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators(IAATO). The Antarctic Treaty System(ATS) is an international agreement that must be followed by all Antarctic activities. Antarctic tourism activities should maintain fundamental values and principles of the Antarctic Treaty System. Safeguarding peace, cooperation on the basis of freedom of scientific research and comprehensive environmental protection are three pillars of the ATS. The Environmental Protocol entered into force after being signed by the Consultative Parties in 1998. Based on the Protocol, a prior environmental impact assessment(EIA) must be prepared for tourist activities. Each proposal for an activity must be subjected to a preliminary assessment(PA), an initial environmental evaluation(IEE) or a comprehensive environmental evaluation(CEE), depending on the possible impacts of the proposal. Nowadays, the main supervising subjects of Antarctic tourism are National Competent Authority(NCA) and IAATO;In addition to the industry′s own controls of IAATO, only the consultative parties of ATCM has taken part in decision-making of regulations and guidelines. Other participants in the meeting may contribute to the discussions. At present, the promotion of Antarctic tourism management is mainly reflected in three aspects: the improvement of the domestic legal systems of contracting parties, the establishment of the international communication platform and the development of site-specific guidelines. The number of Chinese Antarctic tourists has increased year by year, but no Antarctic International Tourism Organization of China has become associate of IAATO.
作者 吴承照 潘维琪 LEUNG Yufai WU Chengzhao;PAN Weiqi;LEUNG Yufai(National Park and Nature Reserve Planning and Research Center,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;NC State University,Raleigh 27695,USA)
出处 《海洋开发与管理》 2022年第10期55-61,共7页 Ocean Development and Management
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目后期资助项目“国家公园规划与管理”(20FGLB014) 联合国21世纪特别学术联盟2020年项目“南极旅游生态影响管理国际合作研究计划”。
关键词 南极 旅游发展 旅游管理 国际组织 国际协议 Antarctic Tourism development Tourism management International organization International agreement
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