乐平市接渡大桥是目前江西省内第一座公路钢桁架桥,是一座公路兼城市桥梁,桥位巧妙的利用平面线形避开现状老桥,用老桥保障施工期间的社会正常通行,做到了“零拆迁”,产生了较好的经济和社会效应。主桥采用跨径(60+60)m的下承式连续钢桁架桥,桥面宽19.6 m,新桥与现状老桥桥面净距7.9 m,新桥建成后对老桥采用静力切割法拆除,确保了新建桥梁的安全。如何利用现状老桥保障施工期间正常通行,以节约工程造价、满足Ⅴ-(3)通航净空要求、实现桥头两岸建筑“零拆迁”是项目的重难点。
Jiedu Bridge in Leping City is the first highway steel truss bridge in Jiangxi Province now, and is a highway and urban bridge. The plane alignment is cleverly used for the bridge site to keep away from the existing old bridge. The old bridge is utilized for ensuring the normal traffic demand of the society during the construction period. The "zero demolition" is achieved to produce the good economic and social effects. The main bridge is a through continuous steel truss bridge with a span of(60 + 60) m. The bridge deck is 19.6 m wide. The clear distance between the new bridge and the existing old bridge is 7.9 m. After the completion of the new bridge, the old bridge will be demolished by the static cutting method to ensure the safety of the new bridge. How to make use of the existing old bridge to ensure the normal traffic during construction, to save the engineering cost, to meet the requirements of V-(3) navigation clearance, and to realize the "zero demolition" of buildings on both sides of the bridge head are the key and difficult points of the project.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
highway steel bridge
selection of bridged site
through continuous steel truss bridge