吴淞江工程是国务院批复的《太湖流域防洪规划》确定的重大工程之一,包括河道疏浚与新开、新建水利枢纽设施、沿线跨河桥梁新建及改建等建设内容,其中先期实施的新川沙河段工程,河道总长约7.8 km,需拆除重建桥梁7座(4座车行桥,3座人非桥)。结合相关规划、地理位置、周边环境、工程规模、当地文化等,阐述了桥梁设计原则、总体构思方案,分析总结了国内外城市桥梁群成功案例,对新川沙河段7座桥梁设计方案进行了统筹考虑及桥梁方案选择,为城市跨行洪干河暨高等级航道桥梁设计选型提供参考。
Wusong River Project is one of the major projects identified in the Taihu Lake Basin Flood Control Planning approved by the State Council, including the new construction and reconstruction of river dredging, hydro-junction facilities and cross-river bridges along the line. In the project, there is the Xinchuansha River Section Project to be implemented in advance. The total length of the river is about7.8 km. There are 7 bridges(4 for vehicles and 3 for pedestrians and non-motored vehicles) to be removed and reconstructed. Combined with the relevant planning, geographical location, surrounding environment,engineering scale and local culture, the design principle and overall scheme of the bridge are set forth. The successful cases of the urban bridge groups at home abroad are analyzed and summarized. The design schemes of 7 bridges in the section of Xinchuansha River are comprehensively considered and the bridge schemes are compared. The reference is provided for the design and comparison of bridges crossing the high-grade waterway in a city.
Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
landscape bridge
scheme design
riverside environment
Wusong River Project