
略论朱子学中的穷理精密派——以“北溪之陈、双峰之饶”为中心 被引量:8

The School of Precise Probe into the Principles of Zhuzi Studies:Centred on Chen Beixi and Rao Shuangfeng
摘要 陈淳与饶鲁被吴澄视为朱子学中穷理精密派之代表,陈淳的穷理精密充分体现于《北溪字义》对朱子《四书》范畴的训释,饶鲁的穷理之学则见诸对朱子《四书集注》的批判性阐释。饶鲁通过对文本之义的细致解析,剖析了朱注存在过粗、隔层等偏离文意的多种情况,并以通贯比较的方法,指出朱注在综合与分析上的差失,又从工夫实践着眼批评朱注的空泛不足。陈淳、饶鲁治学虽皆具穷理精密之特点,然陈淳以畅通发明朱注为宗旨,更具照着讲的意味;饶鲁对朱注的各种挑刺,则颇有入室操戈而接着讲的精神。从穷理精密这一治学特色的角度来考察朱子学派,是对据地域、师承等因素划分朱子学派的有益补充,有助于更全面深入地理解朱子学发展脉络。 Chen Chun and Rao Lu were regarded as the representatives of precise probe into the principles of Zhuzi’s disciples by Wu Cheng.Chen Chun’s precise understanding principles was fully reflected in the interpretation of Zhuzi’s Four Books’ categories in Beixi Zi Yi,while Rao Lu’s probe into the principles appeared in the critical interpretation of Zhuzi’s Four Books Commentaries.Rao Lu analyzed seven cases of deviating from the text meaning, such as too superficial, separated layer, by minute differentiating the inner meaning of the words.and pointed out the errors in synthesis and analysis of Zhuzi’s commentaries by the method of through comparison, He also criticizeed the vague and generality of Zhuzi’s commentaries from the perspective of efforts practice.Chen Chun and Rao Lu both inherited Zhuzi’s academic style of precise probe into the principles,but Chen Chun’s aim of explaining Zhuzi’s commentaries was to make it clear, with more significance of repeating Zhuzi.Rao Lu’s criticism of Zhuzi’s commentaries with Zhuzi’s own methods had the spirit of following Zhuzi.To investigate the school of Zhuzi from the perspective of the academic characteristics of precise probe into the principles, is a beneficial supplement to the division of school of Zhuzi according to the factors such as the region and the succession of teaching, and is helpful to understand the development of the school of Zhuzi with more comprehensive and in-depth view.
作者 许家星 XU Jia-xing(Center for Studies of Values and Culture;School of Philosophy,Beijing Normal University,Beijing,100875,China)
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2022年第5期29-35,66,共8页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(21VGQ018)。
关键词 陈淳 饶鲁 朱子学 穷理精密派 Chen Chun Rao Lu Zhuzi Studies school of precise probe into the principles
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