

Parameter Identification of Single Degree of Freedom Time-delay Feedback Control System
摘要 根据悬架主动控制和参数辨识方面的理论知识,对单自由度时滞反馈控制系统参数进行了辨识研究。通过MATLAB编程,获取系统振动输出位移响应。利用最小二乘法对单自由度振动系统的质量、刚度、阻尼和时滞等参数进行辨识。通过数值仿真将各参数在估计值下与真实值下系统振动输出响应之差的平方和最小作为目标函数,并将估计值和真实值下输出振动响应曲线进行对比,计算出真实值与估计值之间的误差,验证了该辨识算法的有效性。 According to the theoretical knowledge of suspension active control and parameter identification,the parameter identification of single degree of freedom time-delay feedback control system is studied.Through MATLAB programming,the vibration output displacement response of the system is obtained.The least square method is used to identify the mass,stiffness,damping and time-delay of the single degree of freedom vibration system.Through numerical simulation,the minimum sum of squares of the difference between the estimated value and the real value of the system vibration output response is taken as the objective function,and the estimated value and the real value of the output vibration response curve are compared to calculate the error between the real value and the estimated value,which verifies the effectiveness of the identification algorithm.
作者 程亚梅 Cheng Ya-mei(Automotive Engineering College,Jinan Engineering Vocational and Technical College,Shandong Jinan 250200)
出处 《电子质量》 2022年第10期163-166,共4页 Electronics Quality
关键词 时滞反馈控制系统 最小二乘法 参数辨识 Time-delay feedback control system Least square method Parameter identification
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