
红色文化资源建设对大凉山彝区乡村振兴的意义与路径 被引量:6

The Significance and Path of the Construction of“Red”Revolutionary Cultural Resources to Rural Revitalization in the Liangshan Yi Area in Sichuan
摘要 中国共产党成立百年来,党领导中国人民在实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史征程中不断积淀和丰富发展的红色文化深刻地融入了中华民族的精神家园之中,这种独特的先进文化是不断激励中华儿女奋进前行的强大精神力量。在全面建成小康社会,“两个一百年”奋斗目标的关键历史交汇期,作为“三区三州”深度贫困地区之一的四川省大凉山彝区虽然已经告别绝对贫困并实现小康,但要与全国同步实现现代化,还有很长的路要走。大凉山彝区蕴藏着丰富的红色文化资源,深入挖掘并有效利用这些资源宝藏,一方面有助于彝区群众深入开展爱国主义教育、爱党教育、爱社会主义教育;另一方面对进一步铸牢彝区群众的中华民族共同体意识,在党的领导下奋力推进乡村振兴,凝聚起实现中华民族伟大复兴的磅礴力量具有重大现实意义。 Over the past 100 years,since the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC),a“red”revolutionary culture has been established as the CPC has been leading the Chinese people on the historic journey of realizing a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation:this has deeply integrated into the spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation.Such a unique and advanced culture represents the strong spiritual strength that ceaselessly motivates all Chinese people to march ahead.The Liangshan Yi ethnic area in Sichuan is endowed with abundant“red”revolutionary cultural resources,and they have been important tools and of great significance to pursuing rural revitalization in Liangshan prefecture,this research shows.Therefore,it is worth exploring and effectively utilizing these resources as a pronounced advantage in helping the poor access education,creating job opportunities,and improving local people s s income.The battle against poverty in the Liangshan Yi ethnic area of Sichuan has been extremely tough.Poverty obstructs sustained and stable progress in this area,making this region as a prioritized and victory-securing place in poverty alleviation around Sichuan province and even the whole country.It requires wisdom to answer the questions such as how to thoroughly address uneven and inadequate development and how to explore and utilize existing“red”revolutionary cultural resources to further promote rural revitalization.At present,fieldwork shows the area is faced with several issues to be solved:1)Insufficient attention to the historical inheritance and education of red cultural resources;2)a lack of diversity in the inheritance of the red culture,and a lack of brand effect;and 3)weakness in the development of“red”revolutionary cultural resources and the cultivation of publicity talents.What is the new blueprint for the future rural development in the Liangshan Yi ethnic area of Sichuan?How to build a new socialist Yi ethnic area?This article proposes suggestions as follows:First,a continuous inheritance of the“red”revolutionary culture is needed to break the deadlock of development in the area so as to expand the industry clusters with advantageous features of this area.Integration of unique“red”revolutionary cultural resources could help to set a concrete foundation for further rural revitalization of the area.Second,“red”revolutionary cultural resources could revitalize or expand the development of the area.The unique advantage of the“red”revolutionary cultural resources should be fully made use of.One could conceivably combine the revolutionary culture,represented by the spirit of the“Long March”and poverty alleviation,with the Yi ethnic folklore to build a brand featured with“‘Red’Revolutionary Liangshan”and“Yi Ethnic Folklore”.Efforts should be made to build an integrated development demonstration zone of“red”revolutionary tourism of Daliangshan with Xichang as the center to lead the whole prefecture under the brand of“Milestone of Long March·Trip of Solidarity”.At last,talents in the field of“red”revolutionary culture are needed to work together to broaden the transformation path for the development of the area.A talent pool model with high-level research experts taking the lead and involving professionals from different sectors,should be constructed.Based on the conditions of the area,these professional talents should provide targeted approaches to empower“red”revolutionary culture resources to provide a scientific path and sustained force to the development of the local economy and the improvement of people s livelihood.All these endeavors could accelerate rural revitalization.
作者 乔谦 Qiao Qian(Sichuan Tourism University,Chengdu,610100,Sichuan,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期39-45,135,共8页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 教育部人文社科研究2018年度全国高校优秀中青年思想政治理论课教师择优资助计划项目“寻找‘活着’的历史——‘中国近现代史纲要’体验式教学模式研究”(18JDSZK136)的研究成果。
关键词 红色文化资源 大凉山彝区 乡村振兴 意义 路径 development of“red”revolutionary resources Liangshan Yi ethnic area rural revitalization significance path
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