
恩格斯妇女解放思想的再思考--基于《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》的文本解读 被引量:1

Rethinking Women’s Emancipation Thought of Engels——Based on the Origin of the Family,Private Ownership and the State
摘要 恩格斯的《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》是研究马克思主义妇女理论最全面、最集中的著作。在此著作中,我们可以观察到恩格斯在文本中给予了女性颇多的关注,重点通过家庭形式的演变这一理论工具进行比较探讨,得出基于恩格斯语境下的妇女在家庭和社会中的地位的历史性变化,探究造成男女不平等的原因是分工以及私有制的出现和专偶制家庭的确立。在这个意义上,寻求到切实可行的解放途径是消灭私有制、让妇女重新回到公共事业中以及家务劳动社会化。由文本观照现实,会发现恩格斯妇女解放思想在新的时空境遇下依然闪耀着理论的光芒,对当代中国的妇女解放和发展事业具有重要的现实意义:生产力的解放和提高是筑牢妇女谋求解放和发展的根本基础;妇女须积极主动地追求自身经济独立,绽放“半边天”的骄人风采;摈弃只针对妇女的专偶,提倡平等自由的婚姻观。 Engels’The Origin of the Family,Private Ownership and the State is the most comprehensive and focused study of the Marxist theory of women.In this work,we can observe that Engels gives considerable attention to women in the text,focusing on a comparative exploration through the theoretical tool of the evolution of the family form,deriving historical changes in the status of women in the family and in society based on Engels’context,and exploring the causes of inequality between men and women as a result of the division of labour and the emergence of private ownership and the establishment of the monogamous family.In this sense,a practical path to emancipation is sought through the elimination of private ownership,the reintegration of women into the public service and the socialization of domestic work.If we look at the text in the light of reality,we will find that Engels’ideas on women’s emancipation still shine with theoretical brilliance in the new time and space,and have important practical significance for the cause of women’s emancipation and development in contemporary China.The emancipation and improvement of productivity is the fundamental basis for women’s emancipation and development;women need to be proactive in pursuing their own economic independence and to shine as“half the sky”;the exclusive spouse for women only should be abandoned and to promote the concept of equal and free marriage.
作者 余琪玮 YU Qiwe(School of Marxism,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China)
出处 《荆楚学刊》 2022年第5期46-53,共8页 Jingchu Academic Journal
关键词 恩格斯 家庭 妇女解放 《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》 Engels family women’s liberation The Origin of the Family Private Ownership and the State
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