

Dynamic analysis of operation efficiency of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in overcome-poverty counties in China based on DEA Malmquist index
摘要 [目的]通过对“十三五”时期(2016-2020年)我国脱贫县中医医院的投入产出效率进行动态分析,为进一步巩固脱贫攻坚成果,促进脱贫县中医医院高质量发展,助力乡村振兴的政策制定提供参考。[方法]搜集整理《中国卫生统计年鉴》《全国中医药统计摘编》脱贫县中医医院2016-2020年相关数据。运用Malmquist指数、中西部比较法等方法进行动态分析研究。[结果]2016-2020年我国脱贫县中医医院全要素生产率指数均值为1.02,技术变化指数均值为1.024,纯技术效率变化指数均值为0.997,规模效率变化指数均值为0.999。2016-2020年脱贫县中医医院全要素生产率年均上升2%,技术变化指数上升2.4%,纯技术效率变化指数下降0.3%,规模效率变化指数下降0.1%。同时东、中、西部全要素生产要素指数均值分别为1.07、1.03、1.01,东部地区运行效率优于中部地区,中部地区优于西部地区。[结论]2016-2020年我国脱贫县中医医院动态运行效率整体呈上升趋势,运行效率不断提高;服务效率受规模影响不明显,未达到最优发展规模,但存在债务风险;技术进步是推动脱贫县中医医院运行效率提升的主要动力;脱贫县中医医院全要素生产率存在区域差异,但区域发展差距在不断缩小。脱贫县中医医院应探索适宜的发展规模,不断提升精细化管理水平,注重人才的培养和技术水平的提高,促进医院高质量发展。 Objective:Through the dynamic analysis of the input-output efficiency of Chinese medicine hospitals in overcome-poverty counties during the “ 13 th Five-year Plan” period(2016-2020),so as to provide reference for further consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation, promoting the high-quality development of Chinese medicine hospitals in overcome-poverty counties, and assisting policy formulation for rural revitalization. Methods It collected and sorted out the relevant data of Chinese medicine hospitals in overcome-poverty counties during 2016-2020 from “China Health Statistics Yearbook” and “National Statistics on Traditional Chinese Medicine”. Malmquist index, Midwest comparative method and other methods were used for dynamic analysis and research. Results From 2016 to 2020,the average total factor productivity index of Chinese medicine hospitals in overcome-poverty counties in China was 1.02,the average technology change index was 1.024,the average pure technical efficiency change index was 0.997,and the mean value of scale efficiency change index was 0.999. From 2016 to 2020,the total factor productivity of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in overcome-poverty counties increased by 2% annually, the technology change index increased by 2.4%,the pure technical efficiency change index decreased by 0.3%,and the scale efficiency change index decreased by 0.1%. At the same time, the average value of the total factor production index in eastern, central and western regions were 1.07,1.03 and 1.01,respectively. The operation efficiency of eastern region was better than that of central region, which was better than that of western region. Conclusions From 2016 to 2020,the dynamic operation efficiency of Chinese medicine hospitals in overcome-poverty counties in China showed an overall upward trend, and the operation efficiency continued to improve;The service efficiency is not obviously affected by the scale, and does not reach the optimal development scale, but there is debt risk;Technological progress is the main driving force to promote the operation efficiency of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in overcome-poverty counties;There are regional differences in total factor productivity of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in overcome-poverty counties, but the regional development gap is narrowing. Traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in overcome-poverty counties should explore the appropriate development scale, constantly improve the level of fine management, pay attention to the cultivation of talents and the improvement of technical level, and promote the high-quality development of the hospital.
作者 肖梦熊 廖翠 杨永生 郑格琳 许艳燕 韩飞 XIAO Meng-xiong;LIAO Cui;YANG Yong-sheng;ZHENG Ge-lin;XU Yan-yan;HAN Fei(Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100700,China;Wangjing Hospital,Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100102,China;The Third affiliated Hospital of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine University,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《卫生软科学》 2022年第11期62-66,共5页 Soft Science of Health
基金 国家中医药管理局项目-县级中医医院及县域中医医共体建设项目可行性研究报告编制(GZY-GCS-2019-029)。
关键词 脱贫县 县级中医院 运行效率 overcome-poverty county county-level hospital of traditional Chinese medicine operating efficiency
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