

Discussion on the Change of the Connotations of Jiaxuan’s Mountain-ascending Ci-poems
摘要 辛弃疾创作了33首登临词,分属于其人生经历的各个阶段。这些登临词的内涵富于变化,从中可以略窥辛弃疾一生的心路历程。稼轩登临词内涵的变化可以从前期、中期与后期三个阶段分别加以考察:第一阶段为江淮、两湖时期,其词主要抒发岁月蹉跎、壮志难酬的满腔愤懑以及念家忧国、故土难归的羁旅愁情;第二阶段包括带湖隐居、七闽宦游与瓢泉隐居三个时期,其词主要展现了辛弃疾虽体察到仕途艰险,却又不甘心隐居的心理矛盾;第三阶段为两浙、铅山时期,其词表达了辛弃疾对当前政局的清醒认知和对历史功业难以久远的哲思。这三个阶段意脉相连但其主要内涵各不相同,共同勾勒出辛弃疾一生的心理轨迹。值得注意的是,虽然壮志难酬之情从始至终贯穿于稼轩不同时期的登临词,但却呈现出由显到隐的趋势,这也体现出辛弃疾登临词内涵的变化,进而表现出其心态的变化。 Xin Qiji composed 33 mountain-ascending Ci-poems all told, which were created in different stages of his life. The connotations of these Ci-poems are rich in changes, from which people can have a glimpse of his life journey. The changes of connotation can be divided into three stages, the early stage, the middle stage and the late stage. The first stage is the period of Jianghuai and Lianghu, in which his Ci-poems mainly express the feelings of anger and resentment with wasted years and unfulfilled ambitions, as well as the feelings of worrying about the country and homesickness. The second stage includes three periods: living secluded in Daihu, serving as as a government official in Fujian Province and living secluded in Piaoquan. Ci-poems of this stage mainly show Xin Qiji’s psychological contradiction of being unwilling to live in seclusion despite his awareness of the hardships of his career. The third stage is the period of Zhejiang and Yanshan. Ci-poems of this stage express Xin Qiji’s profound insight on the political situation at that time and his philosophical thinking on the historical achievements. These three stages are connected with each other, but they have different connotations, which together outline the track of Xin Qiji’s life. It is worth noting that although the feeling of unfulfilled ambitions runs through Jiaxuan’s mountain-ascending Ci-poems from beginning to end, it shows a trend from obvious to hidden, which also reflects the change of the connotations of Jiaxuan’s mountain-ascending Ci-poems, and in turn shows the change in his mentality.
作者 李子琦 LI Ziqi(School of liberal Arts,Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《上饶师范学院学报》 2022年第4期55-66,共12页 Journal of Shangrao Normal University
关键词 辛弃疾 登临词 内涵 变化 人生经历 Xin Qiji mountain-ascending Ci-poems connotation change life experience
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