

On the Establishment of British Raj’s Rule in Balochistan
摘要 巴基斯坦俾路支省是从英属印度治下的俾路支斯坦继承而来。英印确立对俾路支斯坦的统治经历了一个较长的历史过程,从19世纪中期持续至19世纪90年代初。卡拉特汗国是俾路支斯坦当时最大政治体和当地布拉灰、俾路支部落的宗主,英印建立对俾路支斯坦的统治以控制汗国为主要手段。最初,英印介入俾路支斯坦出于确保英国军队过境和旁遮普、信德边疆稳定之目的,主要采取了在政治上扶持卡拉特汗、军事上以英印军队打击部落的“雅各布政策”,但政策最终因卡拉特汗国内乱而失败。而后,英印逐步建立了起“桑德曼体制”。这是一套挪用卡拉特汗国既有部落国家体制的间接统治政策:政治上,英印成为卡拉特汗与各部落之间的“争议仲裁者”;军事上,在英印有限驻军的基础上,资助各部落建立武装以维护统治。英印对俾路支斯坦统治的形成与英国外交、英印内部政治以及其边疆政策有着密切关系。首先,英国外交转向帝国事务、趋向防御性,以防范俄国控制阿富汗为基本目标,这既促使英国在俾路支斯坦建立影响力,但也限制英国兼并该地建立直接统治。其次,英印当局介入俾路支斯坦事务,既有巩固边疆的需要,也有自身政治利益的诉求。最后,英印政策被卷入卡拉特汗国内部矛盾旋涡中,存在着自我推动的演进逻辑。桑德曼在政策中挪用部落体制,最终使英印对俾路支斯坦的统治成为部落国家体制的“加强版”变种。 The Balochistan Province of Pakistan is an inherited territory from the British Raj. From mid-19th century to early 1890s, the British Raj established its rule in Balochistan, where the Khanate of Kalat was the biggest indigenous polity and suzerain of local Brahui and Baloch tribes. By imposing political control on Kalat, the British Raj ruled Balochistan indirectly. However, the British merely tried to secure its troops transit and India’s frontier on Sind and Punjab when it dealt with Balochistan affairs at early stage, by sponsoring the Khan of Kalat and fighting back against the tribes. While its early policy failed due to Kalat’s internal conflicts, the British Raj tended to create the “Sandman System” and established an indirect rule in Balochistan. The “Sandman System”, upholding tribal traditions, made the British the “ultimate arbitrator” between the Khan and his tribes and sponsored tribal levies to defend the order. The British Raj’s rule in Balochistan was embedded in various impetuses and limits. Firstly, the British diplomatic shift to imperial affairs and defensive policy, with a basic goal of preventing Russia from controlling Afghanistan, encouraged its influence-building in Balochistan, but prevent annexation to Balochistan under its direct rule. Secondly, the British Raj made itself involved in Balochistan affairs not only due to its need of defending India’s frontier but also to its self-interested political consideration. Thirdly, the British Raj’s policy to Balochistan, intertwined with internal fights between Kalat and local tribes, was self-evolved. Robert Sandmen’s theory and practice of following tribal traditions on Balochistan affairs finally created an “advanced version” of tribal-state under British rule.
作者 林一鸣 LIN Yiming
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2022年第5期119-135,157,158,共19页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 英国外交史 印度殖民史 俾路支 卡拉特汗国 桑德曼体制 British Diplomatic History Colonial Indian History Baloch Khanate of Kalat Sandman System
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