
不同加工处理方式对油茶籽油品质的影响 被引量:6

Effect of Different Processing Methods on the Quality of Camellia oleifera Seed Oil
摘要 为研究不同油茶籽加工处理方式对制取油脂品质的影响,以及不同压榨阶段和处理方式制取的油茶籽油品质的差异性,采用液压中试设备对烘制和炒制的油茶籽,以及粉碎蒸制处理后的油茶饼分别进行压榨制油生产试验,并对制取的油茶籽油进行品质分析。结果显示,烘制处理和炒制处理压榨制取的油茶籽油酸价和过氧化值差异显著(P<0.05),但均符合国家标准要求,两种处理方式对制取的油茶籽油脂肪酸组成影响不大,而烘制处理的磷脂含量较炒制处理低(P<0.05),甾醇总量、角鲨烯、总多酚以及总黄酮含量均较炒制处理高(P<0.05),烘制处理压榨制取的油茶籽油品质较佳;二次压榨制取的油茶籽油磷脂、甾醇总量和维生素E含量较一次压榨制取的油茶籽油高(P<0.05),但角鲨烯和总多酚含量较低(P<0.05);在二次压榨生产过程中,蒸制处理能影响油茶籽油的脂肪酸组分,从而使部分脂肪酸组分的含量形成差异显著(P<0.05),且蒸制处理能使油茶籽油中的甾醇总量提高66.51%,但对油茶籽油中的角鲨烯、维生素E、总多酚及总黄酮的含量无显著性影响(P>0.05),油茶饼粉碎蒸制后二次压榨制取的油茶籽油理化指标符合国家标准要求,对油茶饼进行蒸制处理二次压榨有利于提高油茶籽油的生产效益。 The quality of camellia seed oil pressed from Camellia oleifera seeds subjected to respectively different preheat treatments(roasting and frying)and camellia seed oil prepared by different treatments(crushing and steaming)from camellia seed oil cake was analyzed.In order to study the influence of different processing methods on the quality of camellia seed oil,and the difference in the quality of the camellia seed oil produced by different pressing stages and processing methods.The results showed that there were significant differences in acid value and peroxide value of camellia seed oil between roasting and frying treatments(P<0.05),and both of them met the requirements of the national standard.There were little difference in the fatty acid composition of camellia seed oil produced with roasting and frying.Compared with the frying camellia seed oil,the phospholipid content of the roasting camellia seed oil was lower(P<0.05),while the contents of total sterols,squalene,total polyphenols and total flavonoids were higher(P<0.05).The quality of camellia seed oil produced by pressing after roasting treatment was better.The phospholipid,total sterol and vitamin E contents of the camellia seed oil from secondary pressing were higher(P<0.05).However,squalene and total polyphenol contents were lower than those of the camellia seed oil from virgin pressing(P<0.05).In the second pressing,steaming of the camellia seed oil cake could affect the relative content of the fatty acid components of the camellia seed oil,and some fatty acid relative content was significantly different(P<0.05).The steaming treatment could increase total sterols in the camellia seed oil by 66.51%,but it had no significant effect on the content of squalene,vitamin E,total polyphenols and total flavonoids(P>0.05).The physical and chemical indexes of camellia seed oil produced in second pressing by crushing and steaming met the requirements of national standards.Steaming treatment of camellia seed oil cake for secondary pressing contributed to enhancing the production efficiency of camellia seed oil.
作者 刘海 王进 许杰 陈瑶 缪明胜 郭少海 Liu Hai;Wang Jin;Xu Jie;Chen Yao;Miao Mingsheng;Guo Shaohai(Guizhou Academy of Forestry,Guiyang 550000)
出处 《中国粮油学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期172-178,共7页 Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
基金 贵州省科技平台项目(黔科合服企[2018]4003号,黔科合平台人才[2018]5252号) 中央财政林业科技推广示范项目([2019]TG01号)。
关键词 油茶籽油 加工处理方式 液压压榨 Camellia oleifera seeds oil processing method hydraulic pressing
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