
少数民族地区突发事件应急管理能力提升路径——以宁夏回族自治区抗击新冠肺炎疫情为例 被引量:1

A Study of the Improvement of the Emergency Management Capacity in Ethnic Minority Areas: Taking the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region’s Experience in Fighting COVID-19 as an Example
摘要 我国应急管理过程中存在的事前管理问题包括:重补救、轻预防,公众自救互救的意识缺失,应急管理的协同应对能力不足等;事中管理问题包括:物质投入不足、应急资源整合能力不足、应急管理的参与积极性不高等;事后处理工作方面的问题集中反映在问责机制没有法律法规进行明文规定。上述问题表现在少数民族地区,会以更加突出的形式出现。鉴于此,少数民族地区提升应急管理能力,更应该从“被动应对型”向“主动保障型”转变。充分运用科技革命的成果、进行城市应急管理体系的整体性治理、发挥多方治理作用等,都是少数民族地区可以考虑进行选择的途径。 Urban emergency management can be defined as a series of necessary measures taken by government and public administration agencies responding to city emergencies through necessary response mechanisms. Emergency management is brought forward in reaction to crises such as major disaster risks and accidents;its goal is to reduce property losses,minimize casualties,and mitigate risks at the lowest cost possible. At the same time,it attempts to promote harmonious development of the economy and society. Cities are normally places where industries,wealth,and population are highly concentrated. Urban security management demonstrates a governing philosophy and tenacity that shows the governance level and governance capacity of a city,by which the competitiveness of the city is accredited. Consequently,security management and operation of cities seem to be substantially valued by national governments all over the world,this paper finds. As ethnic regions appear to be affected by various economic development levels,ethnic cultural aspects,religions,lifestyles,and other cultural factors,results show these ethnic minority areas are relatively more prone to higher management costs and lower social integration in areas of urban management. Therefore,urban emergencies may have more adverse effects on ethnic minority areas. This study consequently concludes it is particularly necessary to improve urban emergency management abilities in these areas.Research shows that Ningxia has some successful experiences in fighting COVID-19;accordingly,the following imperatives could be inferred:1) responding decisively to decisions by the CPC Central Committee,and accurately implementing the CPC Central Committee ’s overall plan to fight COVID-19;2) giving full play to the most precious resource of trust between the people and the government;3) gathering strength of the whole nation to fight the epidemic;and 4) responding to national policies and measures,while quickly repairing the damage done to the economy and social organisms by the epidemic. However, findings show there are also some emergency management problems,such as“emphasis on remediation,light on prevention”,lacking public awareness of how to self-rescue or help others,weaknesses in the coordinated response capacity in emergency management,and insufficient integration of emergency resources or human resources.Given the challenges above,this research paper proposes the following pathways to improve the emergency management ability of urban public emergencies : 1) Promoting the transformation of emergency work from “passive response”to “active support”;2) using the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution to improve emergency management capabilities;3) operating overall management of the urban emergency management system;4) giving full play to the administrative role of the government,communities,individuals,and social organizations;and 5) assuring openness and transparency of information,accept the responsibility of public opinion guidance,and release accurate information the first time around.
作者 王志岚 张璐 Wang Zhilan;Zhang Lu(CPC Yinchuan Municipal Party School,Yinchuan,750001,Ningxia;School of Chinese Medicine,LKS Faculty of Medicine,the University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期45-52,136,共9页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 2021年中共宁夏回族自治区委员会党校系统科研协作课题“城市应急管理能力提升研究”阶段性成果。
关键词 民族地区 突发事件 应急管理 ethnic minority areas emergency emergency management
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