

The Pursuit and Loss of the Individual Value in Consumer Society--A Reading of Georges Perec s Les Choses
摘要 《物》是法国当代作家乔治·佩雷克发表于1965年的处女作,不同于佩雷克此后的《W或童年回忆》《人生拼图版》等实验性的小说,他称《物》是一部“社会学小说”,运用相对传统的方式呈现了二战后法国60年代的“消费社会”图景。但并非是对消费社会的批判,佩雷克在这部小说中着重探讨了年轻人对个体价值的追寻和迷失的过程:当消费追求与个体身份逐渐分离时,他们意识到生活的空虚和孤独,选择以追求参与感或逃离等方式重寻生活的价值和意义,却永远只是循环往复,难以解脱。因此,这部小说为我们认识“消费社会”中的个体与“物”之间的矛盾关系,提供了借鉴意义。 Les Choses,published in 1965,is the first novel of the French contemporary writer Georges Perec.Different from his other experimental novels,he calls Les Choses as a“sociological novel”,using a more traditional way to present the picture of the“consumer society”of the 1960s in French after the World WarⅡ.But instead of showing his criticism of the consumer society,in this novel,Perec focuses on the process of young people s pursuit and loss of individual value:When the pursuit of consumption is gradually separated from the individual identity,they realize the emptiness and loneliness of life,and choose to seek the value and meaning of life by pursuing the sense of participation or escape,but just cycle and feel alone forever.Therefore,this novel provides a reference for us to understand the contradictory relationship between individuals and the“things”in the“consumer society”.
作者 葛晓男 GE Xiaonan(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
出处 《四川职业技术学院学报》 2022年第5期126-131,共6页 Journal of Sichuan Vocational and Technical College
关键词 乔治·佩雷克 《物》 消费社会 个体价值 Georges Perec Les Choses consumer society the individual value
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  • 2Behar, Stella. Ecrire pour ne pas dire. New York .. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc, 1995.
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  • 5Perec, Georges. Les Choses. Une histoire des ann es soixante. Paris :Julliard, 1965.
  • 6Perec, Georges. 《Le bonheur dans la modernite》 entretien avec Jean Duvignaud, in Le Nouvel Observateur, 57 (1965).
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