
融媒体嵌入基层治理的功能及其实现路径 被引量:3

The Functions and Realization Path of Media Integration Embedded in Grassroots Governance
摘要 随着媒介技术的快速发展,媒体深度融合并在基层治理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。融媒体在基层治理中具有信息传播、组织动员、价值引领以及协商服务等功能,日益成为当前基层治理必不可少的重要手段。然而其在嵌入基层治理的实践过程中却面临认知错位带来的治理异化、嵌入缺失带来的治理内卷化、赋能不足带来的治理悬浮、衔接不畅带来的治理碎片化等一系列困境,这必然影响基层治理效果。因此,必须转变认知,加强融媒体与基层治理的融合;提升融媒体服务能力,超越治理的内卷化;把握融媒体核心要素,推动基层治理中心下移;构建融媒体制度体系,推动基层社会的整体性治理,以保证基层治理合理化进行,构建共建共治共享的基层治理模式。 With the rapid development of media technology,in-depth media integration is playing an increasingly im-portant role in grassroots governance.In the grassroots governance,the integrated media plays the functions of infor-mation dissemination,organization and mobilization,value guidance,and negotiation services,it has increasingly be-come an indispensable and important means of current grassroots governance.However,there are a series of difficul-ties in practice,such as the dissimilation of governance caused by cognitive dislocation,the involution of governance caused by the lack of embedding,the suspension of governance caused by insufficient empowerment,and the prob-lems of governance fragmentation caused by poor connection.These problems will inevitably affect the effect of grass-roots governance.Therefore,it is necessary to change cognition and strengthen the integration of converged media and grassroots governance,improve the service capabilities of converged media and go beyond the involution of gov-ernance,grasp the core elements of converged media and promote the downward movement of the grassroots gover-nance center,build a media integration system and promote the overall governance of the grassroots society.The purpose of these methods is to promote the rationalization of grassroots governance and build a new governance mod-el of co-construction,co-governance and sharing.
作者 潘琳 刘艳敏 周荣庭 PAN Lin;LIU Yan-min;Zhou Rong-ting(Department of Social and Ecological Civilization,Party School of An-hui Provincial Committee of C.P.C,Hefei 230022,China;The Personnel Department,Shanxi Engineering Voca-tional College,Taiyuan 030000,China;School of Humanities and Social Sciences,University of Science and Tech-nology of China,Hefei 230026,China)
出处 《安徽师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2022年第6期76-83,共8页 Journal of Anhui Normal University(Hum.&Soc.Sci.)
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划青年项目“疫情常态化下城市重大突发事件应急管理能力提升研究”(AHSKQ2020D32)。
关键词 融媒体 基层治理 共建共治共享 media integration grassroots governance co-construction,co-governance and sharing
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