
投资仲裁员行为准则探析 被引量:1

Exploration and Analysis on the Code of Conduct for Investment Arbitrators
摘要 晚近以来,随着国际投资仲裁从国际商事仲裁体系中逐渐剥离,投资仲裁员行为准则也在经历从“商投合一”到“商投分离”的去商事化过渡。国际投资仲裁与国际商事仲裁在程序和实体上的区别对投资仲裁员的行为规范提出更为明确、具体、严格和自成体系的要求,更符合投资者和东道国对国际投资仲裁机制的期待。制定统一的投资仲裁员行为准则能够弥补投资仲裁道德领域国际立法的缺失,从而更加系统地对投资仲裁员进行规范和约束。投资仲裁员的职业化是对现行国际投资仲裁机制下特设仲裁员的重要突破。总之,投资仲裁员行为准则的全新发展能够有效弥补当前投资仲裁领域的制度缺陷,推动国际投资法制日趋完善。 Recently,with the gradual separation of international investment arbitration from the international commercial arbitration system,the code of conduct for investment arbitrators is undergoing the transition from“the integration of commercial and investment”to“the separation of commercial and investment”.The differences in procedure and in substance between investment arbitration and commercial arbitration put forward more explicit,specific,strict,and self-contained requirements for the code of conduct for investment arbitrators,which conforms to the expectations of both investors and host countries for international investment arbitration mechanism.On the one hand,the establishment of a uniform code of conduct for investment arbitrators can make up for the deficiency of international legislation in investment arbitration ethics,making it more systematic to regulate and restrain investment arbitrators.On the other hand,the professionalization of investment arbitrators is a significant breakthrough in the current ISDS regime.In short,the development of the code of conduct for investment arbitrators can effectively fill the gap in the current field of investment arbitration and improve the legal system for international investment.
作者 刘嫡琬 LIU Diwan
出处 《国际商务研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期63-71,共9页 International Business Research
基金 国家留学基金资助。
关键词 投资仲裁员 行为准则 投资去商事化 行为准则统一化 投资仲裁员职业化 investment arbitrators code of conduct the de-commercialization of investment the unification of codes of conduct the professionalization of investment arbitrators
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