

Study on the Lumped Parameter Model of Semi-Active HDS Based on Bouc-Wen Element
摘要 为减小发动机启停等工况下动力总成的振动,这里开发了一款半主动阻尼拉杆。在对半主动阻尼拉杆阻尼力推导基础上,提出了阻尼力的集总参数模型,引入非线性迟滞Bouc-Wen单元表征油液非线性粘性效应。这里将BoucWen单元非线性特性近似线性处理,通过实验和理论计算相结合的方法对模型中各参数进行了识别。对半主动阻尼拉杆各振幅和频率下的阻尼力分别在MTS831试验台上进行测试和理论计算。结果表明各频率和振幅下的阻尼力的理论计算值和实验结果一致。这里通过对Bouc-Wen单元的简化,使集总参数模型简单化,推广了Bouc-Wen单元在非线性动态特性中的应用。 In order to reduce the vibration of the powertrain under the conditions of engine start and stop,this paper developed a semi-active hydraulic damping strut(HDS).Based on the derivation of the damping force of the semi-active HDS,the lumped parameter model of the damping force is proposed,and the nonlinear hysteresis Bouc-Wen element was introduced to characterize the nonlinear viscous effect of the oil.The nonlinear characteristics of Bouc-Wen element were transformed into approximate linear functions,the experimental parameters and theoretical calculations were combined to identify the parameters in the model.The damping force of the semi-active HDS with different amplitude and frequency were calculated and tested on the MTS831 test rig,respectively.The results showed that the theoretical calculated values of the damping forces at various frequencies and amplitudes were consistent with the experimental results.It simplified the Bouc-Wen element and the lumped parameter model,and generalized the application of the Bouc-Wen element in nonlinear dynamic characteristics field.
作者 王道勇 李学军 邓之润 WANG Dao-yong;LI Xue-jun;DENG Zhi-run(School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation,Foshan University,Guangdong Foshan 528225,China)
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2022年第11期27-32,共6页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 广东省青年创新人才项目(2018KQNCX282) 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目(2019A1515110584)。
关键词 半主动阻尼拉杆 阻尼力 集总参数模型 Bouc-Wen Semi-Active Hydraulic Damping Strut Damping Force Lumped Parameter Model Bouc-Wen
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