
因果性与力量——笛卡尔、斯宾诺莎与当代哲学争论 被引量:1

Causality and Power:Descartes,Spinoza and Some Relevant Issues in Contemporary Philosophy
摘要 笛卡尔的形而上学与斯宾诺莎的形而上学之间的关系,以及斯宾诺莎对于前者的批评,无论是在德国唯心论哲学中,还是在当代法国哲学中,都是一个非常重要的问题。笛卡尔和斯宾诺莎的形而上学有两个核心的原则:其一是因果性原则,其二是实在性或力量原则。但是,对于这两个原则之间的关系,笛卡尔和斯宾诺莎分别给出了不同的解释。对于笛卡尔和斯宾诺莎的形而上学,德国唯心论和当代法国哲学给出了不同的评判。德国唯心论肯定了斯宾诺莎形而上学对于笛卡尔形而上学的内在困难的克服,但批评前者缺乏主体性和自由。德勒兹和马里翁作为当代法国哲学的代表则对笛卡尔与斯宾诺莎形而上学给出了截然对立的看法。德勒兹认为,斯宾诺莎将邓·司各脱的“存在的单义性”原则推进至一种彻底的内在性原则,由此肯定了力量的无限能动性和多元性。马里翁则认为,斯宾诺莎的自因学说错失了笛卡尔形而上学的深刻和谨慎,因为后者认识到上帝作为一个“匿名的他者”不可能被自因概念完全包容。但是,无论德勒兹还是马里翁,都不再关注笛卡尔和斯宾诺莎最重视的因果性原则,而仅仅是强调力量原则。 The relationship between Cartesian metaphysics and Spinozian metaphysics,together with Spinoza’s criticism of the former,is a very important issue,both in German idealist philosophy and in contemporary French philosophy.Cartesian and Spinozian metaphysics has two central principles,one of which is the principle of causality and the other is the principle of power.However,Descartes and Spinoza gave different explanations for the relationship between these two principles.German idealism and contemporary French philosophy offered different judgments on Cartesian and Spinozian metaphysics.German idealism affirmed Spinozian metaphysics for overcoming the difficulties inherent in Cartesian metaphysics,but criticized the former for its lack of subjectivity and freedom.Deleuze and Marion,on the other hand,as representatives of contemporary French philosophy,gave a diametrically opposed view of Cartesian and Spinozian metaphysics.According to Deleuze,Spinoza advanced Duns Scotus’principle of“the univocity of being”to a radical principle of immanence,thus affirming the infinite dynamism and plurality of power.Marion,on the other hand,argued that Spinoza’s doctrine of causa sui missed the profundity and prudence of Cartesian metaphysics because the latter recognised that God as an“anonymous Other”cannot be fully contained by causa sui.However,neither Deleuze nor Marion focused on the principle of causality,which Descartes and Spinoza valued above all else,and instead emphasized only the principle of power.
作者 吴增定 WU Zengding(Research Center for Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期1-15,共15页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
关键词 因果性 力量 上帝 自因 实体 causality power God causa sui substance
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