
气候与漕运:《清口灵运碑》所见1626年的南旱北涝 被引量:1

Climate and Water Transport: Drought in the South and Flood in the North in 1626 as Seen in Qingkou Lingyun Monument
摘要 历史上的气候与漕运问题值得关注,《清口灵运碑》记录了天启六年(1626)气候异常与通漕不畅的史实。该年南旱北涝导致黄强淮弱,洪泽湖无法蓄积足够的淮河清水冲刷黄河泥沙,地处南北地理分界线以及黄淮运交会处的淮安清口,漕船大量滞留积压。作为应对之策,治河没有采取工程量巨大的另开河道之策,而是在人为疏浚的同时采取了相对简便易行的求助神灵的办法,祈祷黄河水神金龙四大王减弱黄水以不侵淮,又祈祷淮河水神张将军增强淮水以御黄,希望清口故道畅通。祈祷后不久,恰巧大雨倾盆,旱情缓解,漕运通畅。事后为兑现所谓河神显灵的承诺,修庙立碑,奏加封号,这一过程促进了水神信仰的传播。黄淮运关系协调是漕运系统正常运转的保证,神灵信仰作为统治者管理国家的手段,尽管充斥着迷信荒诞的成分,但在灾害应对和河漕管理中也起到了安定人心、组织动员等作用,展现了传统时代治黄为保漕的国家治水理念。 Historical issues of climate and shipping deserve attention, and Qingkou Lingyun Monument records the historical facts of climate anomalies and poor shipping in 1626. The drought in the south and the flood in the north caused the water of the Yellow River to be larger than that of the Huai River, and Hongze Lake could not accumulate enough clear water to wash away the sediment of the Yellow River. Located at the geographical boundary between north and south and at the intersection of the Yellow River, the Huai River and the Canal, Huai’an Qingkou, a large number of ships are stranded. As a countermeasure, Officials took the countermeasure of turning to the gods for help. Pray for the Yellow River water god to weaken the yellow river water, and pray for the Water God of the Huai River to strengthen the Water. Shortly after the prayer, heavy rain poured down, the drought eased and the canal was clear. In order to fulfill their promises, officials later built temples and erected monuments and played titles. The above activities promoted the spread of the belief in the water god. As a means for rulers to manage and control the country, the belief in the gods, although full of absurd elements, has played an important role in disaster response and canal management, showing management concept of the traditional era of harnessing the Yellow River to ensure shipping.
作者 李德楠 LI De-nan(School of History,Culture and Tourism,Huaiyin Normal University,Huai an,Jiangsu 223300)
出处 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2022年第6期583-588,647,648,共8页 Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2016年度教育部后期资助项目“明清小冰期背景下的黄河水文与运河漕运研究”(16JHQ039)。
关键词 南旱北涝 气候与漕运 大运河清口枢纽 《清口灵运碑》 Drought in the South and Flood in the North Climate and Transport Grand Canal Hub Area"Qingkou" Qingkou Lingyun Monument
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