
5G室内分布场景解决方案 被引量:1

A solution for indoor distributed system in 5G
摘要 随着5G移动通信技术的逐渐应用,室内分布的网络需求变得越发重要,同时室内分布也存在其自身的弊端,例如密度高,干扰大,切换难等问题,文章提出了采用云协同与虚拟小区技术相结合的室内分布场景的解决方案。其核心思想为:通过组建虚拟小区解决频繁切换以及干扰问题,同时采用云协同技术提高上下行的接收性能,此外还可通过SDMA技术进行资源的多倍空分复用,提高系统容量和整体吞吐量。 With the gradual application of 5g mobile communication technology,the network demand from indoor distributed system becomes more and more important.At the same time,indoor distribution system has its own disadvantages,such as high density,large interference,difficult switching and so on.This paper proposes a solution for indoor distributed system based on the combination of cloud coordination and virtual cell technology.Its core idea is to solve the problems of frequent switching and interference by establishing virtual cells.At the same time,cloud coordination is adopted to improve the reception performance in the uplink and downlink.In addition,SDMA technology is used to improve the capacity and overall throughput of indoor distribution system.
作者 雷超琴 LEI Chaoqin(ZTE Corporation;State Key Laboratory of Mobile Network and Mobile Multimedia Technology)
出处 《长江信息通信》 2022年第10期150-152,共3页 Changjiang Information & Communications
关键词 室内分布 云协同 虚拟小区 5G Indoor distributed system Cloud coordination Virtual cell 5G
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