一般认为,全球化(globalization)指的是资本、科技、族群、意识形态、文化产品、象征资本等实体或非实体的跨国流动。在学术研究的框架下,“全球化”的景观与“本土”的文学、文化、历史则构成了一种更为特殊的互动。本期所介绍的十余本著作,是近二十年里英语学界围绕全球化与中国现当代文学的关系展开的研究。中国现代文学的发展轨迹中,既有对“全球化”影响的自觉体认,也不乏借鉴、批判、拆解、挪用等应对“方案”。针对这一现象,研究者们表现出不尽相同的态度,也反映出差异化的学术立场和研究范式。在全球化的阴影下,研究者与他们的研究对象,同样面对着身份认同的危机和重建历史与记忆的压力。这种危机与压力的背后,是“世界”与“中国性”(Chineseness)之间复杂的博弈,是“差异性环球想象”(global imaginary of difference)与“全球同质化”之间的激烈对抗。当研究者透过翻译的文本,将中国的作家作品、社会现实、情感结构、意识形态呈现在全球读者面前的时候,本身就成为了“全球化”的一环。如何在跨文化语境下思考中国文学的独特属性和认知框架,是英语世界的研究者面对的考验,也是我们需要思考的一个问题。相信这些研究成果,能够为我们提供一定的借鉴。
Globalization, generally speaking, refers to the world-wide exchange of capital, commodities, labor, technology,cultural capital, and so on. Global context is interwoven with national literary production, local culture, history and social practice at difference levels, forming much more complicated cultural topography. Fourteen books introduced in this article,including but not limited to monographic research, collection of conference paper, and encyclopedic reference book, examine Chinese literature in the global context through the twentieth century. Delving into the development of modern Chinese literature, people would easily notice the influence from various cultural agenda and civilizations, as well as Chinese writers’ negotiation with, appropriation of, and resistance against the global context. Scholars investigating the globalization and Chinese literary practice have to tangle with the complicated situations, unstable historical narrative and memory which are no less problematic than the ambiguous identity of their own. Behind this series of problems lies the conflict between“global imaginary difference”and the“globalization”that neutralize cultural diversity. It is noteworthy that, when Chinese literary works, social fact, emotional structure, and ideology are presented in front of global audience, they themselves become one link in the chain of cultural globalization. The selected excerpts may provide a lens through which we can look into the copious and fruitful research of Chinese literature conducted by global scholars.
Literatures in Chinese
The English-speaking world
modern Chinese literature
research overseas
a description of documents