

Multidimensional Data-Driven Information Demand Analysis of Insomnia
摘要 文章基于百度指数平台提供的数据在线健康社区中的问答文本数据来分析失眠症的信息需求。对百度指数平台的数据进行分析,发现失眠症的高关注期发生在新春佳节和高温节气,且关注失眠症的人群呈现年轻化趋势,地区发展程度与失眠症关注度成正比,女性比男性更关注失眠症。文章利用八爪鱼采集器爬取3个在线健康社区中失眠症相关问答文本并对其进行分析挖掘,发现人们最关心失眠症的症状、治疗方法和病因,并且患者提问的情感存在消极性的特点,而医生回答的情感具有客观性的特点。 The article analyzes the information demand of insomnia based on the data provided by the Baidu index platform and the Q&A text data in the online health community.The analysis of the data from the Baidu index platform revealed that the high concern period for insomnia occurred during the Chinese New Year and the high temperature season,and the people concerned about insomnia showed a younger trend,the degree of regional development was directly proportional to the concern for insomnia,and women were more concerned about insomnia than men.The article used Octopus collector to crawl the text of insomnia-related Q&A in three online health communities and analyzed and mined them,and found that people were most concerned about the symptoms,treatment methods and causes of insomnia,and the emotion of patients’questions showed the characteristics of negativity,while the emotion of doctors’answers showed the characteristic of objectivity.
作者 谭明亮 邓简 TAN Mingliang;DENG Jian(School of Management,North Sichuan Medical College,Nanchong Sichuan 637100,China)
出处 《信息与电脑》 2022年第13期188-191,共4页 Information & Computer
基金 南充市社科研究“十四五”规划项目“基于在线健康社区文本大数据的慢病智能服务研究”(项目编号:NC22C220) 川北医学院四川省基层卫生事业发展研究中心资助项目“文本大数据驱动的慢性病健康教育知识服务研究”(项目编号:SWFZ22)。
关键词 多维数据 失眠症 百度指数 信息需求 multidimensional data insomnia baidu index information needs
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