
模拟月/火星壤的原位成型技术研究进展 被引量:5

In-situ Forming Technology of Lunar/Martian Soil Simulant
摘要 月/火矿物资源原位成型是太空原位制造技术的重要组成部分,也是建立外星基地等中长期任务的关键技术。月/火星壤成型方法主要分三大类:烧结成型、粘结成型和3D打印成型。从工艺上来讲,要尽可能采用太空中容易获取的资源作为成型所需能量和添加剂,以降低制造成本。从结构上来讲,大型结构件的快速成型和精细复杂结构成型是两个重要的研究趋势,用于满足外星活动的多场景需求。从性能上来讲,重点关注成型材料的力学性能和热物理性能,以满足承载和保温的需求。本文综述了国内外月/火星壤的主要成型技术,从原料获取、工艺流程、微观结构和性能等方面进行了系统的介绍,并归纳总结了各种成型方法的优缺点和发展趋势,旨在为外星资源原位利用这一重要研究课题的发展提供参考。 In-situ forming technology of Lunar/Martian soil is an important part of in-situ resource utilization, and also the key technology of long-term alien base construction. The forming methods of Lunar/Martian soil are mainly divided into three categories, sintering, bonding and 3 D prin-ting molding. In terms of forming process, the energy and additives utilized during forming should be accessed in space as easily as possible to reduce the manufacturing costs. In terms of structure, the rapid prototyping of large structural parts and the fine forming of complex structure are two important research trends, which could meet the needs of multi-scene human activities. In terms of properties, the mechanical and thermophysical properties were focused to meet the needs of bearing and thermal insulation. This paper systematically introduced the main forming technologies of lunar/Martian soil at home and abroad, including raw material acquisition, forming process, microstructure and properties. The advantages and disadvantages, as well as the development trend of various forming methods were summarized to provide reference for the development of in-situ utilization of space resources.
作者 刘琛 李勇 周文 吴宜勇 王岩 吴跃民 王芳 琚丹丹 闫继宏 LIU Chen;LI Yong;ZHOU Wen;WU Yiyong;WANG Yan;WU Yuemin;WANG Fang;JU Dandan;YAN Jihong(Laboratory for Space Environment and Physical Science,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;School of Materials Science and Technology,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;AVIC Aerodynamics Research Institute,Harbin 150001,China;Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100094,China)
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第22期10-16,共7页 Materials Reports
关键词 模拟月壤 模拟火星壤 原位成型技术 3D打印 烧结成型 lunar soil simulant Martian soil simulant in-situ forming technology 3D printing sintering
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