
拟穴青蟹不同卵巢发育时期各组织的脂肪酸组成 被引量:1

Fatty Acid Composition of Different Tissues in Different Ovarian Maturation Stages of Scylla paramamosain
摘要 甲壳动物卵巢成熟期的脂质积累是人工繁殖和繁育成功的重要基础.本研究对人工池塘养殖拟穴青蟹(Scylla paramamosain)不同卵巢发育时期的卵巢、肝胰腺和肌肉组织的脂类脂肪酸组成进行了分析.结果表明,卵巢指数随着卵巢发育成熟而显著增加(P<0.05),而肝胰腺指数则无明显变化;在卵黄发生期,卵巢总脂及极性脂含量显著高于卵黄发生前期(P<0.05);而肝胰腺的脂类主要为中性脂,且在卵巢发育前期显著升高,后逐渐降低;肌肉的脂类80%以上是极性脂,在卵巢发育过程中其含量无明显变化.随着卵巢的发育成熟,卵巢脂类n-3 PUFA尤其是DHA的含量逐渐增加,而n-6 PUFA的含量逐渐减少,其中极性脂LC-PUFA的含量明显高于中性脂;肝胰腺脂类脂肪酸主要为饱和脂肪酸,含量在40%以上,而LC-PUFA含量较低,最高仅为10.37%;肌肉脂类脂肪酸主要为SFA和LC-PUFA,尤其是极性脂中的LC-PUFA,其含量最高可达49.84%.研究表明,在拟穴青蟹不同卵巢发育时期,各主要组织的脂类脂肪酸呈现不同的蓄积模式.研究结果可为人工养殖拟穴青蟹亲蟹的培育及其人工配合饲料的开发提供一定的理论依据. Lipid accumulation during the rapid ovarian maturation stage of crustaceans is an important foundation for the success of the artificial reproduction and breeding.This study was conducted to analyze the fatty acid composition of lipid classes in ovary,hepatopancreas and muscle tissues in different ovarian maturation stages of mud crab Scylla paramamosain cultured at pond.The results showed that with the maturation of the ovary,the gonadosomatic index and the content of total lipid as well as polar lipid increased significantly in ovary.The content of n-3PUFA,especially DHA,gradually increased in lipid of ovary,while the content of n-6 PUFA gradually decreased,and the content of LC-PUFA in polar lipid was significantly higher than that of neutral lipid.The hepatopancreas lipid was mainly the neutral lipid,which increased significantly in the early stage of ovarian development and then decreased gradually.Fatty acid composition of hepatopancreas was mainly saturated fatty acids,with a content of more than40%,while the content of LC-PUFA was low,with a maximum of only 10.37%.The total content of lipid was low in muscle(about 4%)with mainly polar lipid.Its content had no obvious change during ovarian maturation.The fatty acid composition was mainly SFA and LC-PUFA,especially LC-PUFA in polar lipid,which can reach 49.84%.The results showed that with the maturation of the ovary,fatty acid composition of lipids in different tissues showed different accumulation characteristics.The above results may provide a theoretical basis for the artificial cultivation of parent crabs and the development of artificial compound feed for mud crab.
作者 何先达 钟文杰 余金达 陈创思 熊永龙 王树启 温小波 陈翠英 HE Xianda;ZHONG Wenjie;YU Jinda;CHEN Chuangsi;XIONG Yonglong;WANG Shuqi;WEN Xiaobo;CHEN Cuiying(Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology,Institute of Marine Sciences,Shantou University,Shantou 515063,Guangdong,China;College of Marine Sciences of South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,Guangdong,China)
出处 《汕头大学学报(自然科学版)》 2022年第4期41-50,共10页 Journal of Shantou University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(31972806) 汕头大学科研启动经费项目(NTF19019) 广东省大学生科技创新培育专项资金资助项目(pdjh2020b0226)。
关键词 拟穴青蟹 卵巢发育 卵巢 肝胰腺 肌肉 脂类与脂肪酸 Scylla paramamosain ovarian maturation ovary hepatopancreas muscle lipid classes and fatty acids
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