

Control Methods of Micro Power Grid Connection in New Energy Grid
摘要 以微电源并网控制问题作为切入点,简要介绍了新能源电网中的光伏电池、微型燃气轮机和蓄电池三种常见微电源及其性质。随后,详细阐述了最大功率跟踪控制、主从控制、对等控制、协调控制、并离网控制、恒压源并网逆变器控制六种控制方法及其实施要点。旨在建设一套详尽完善、符合新能源电网发展情况的微电源并网控制体系,确保新能源电网安全、稳定运行,向用户提供优质用电服务,从而推动中国电力事业的健康发展。 Taking the micro power grid connection control problem as the starting point, this paper briefly introduced three common micro power sources and their properties in the new energy grid, namely photovoltaic cells, micro gas turbines and storage batteries. Then, it elaborated six control methods and their implementation points of maximum power tracking control,master-slave control, peer-to-peer control, coordinated control, parallel and off grid control, and constant voltage source grid connected inverter control. It aims to build a set of detailed and perfect micro power grid connection control system that conforms to the development of new energy grid, ensure the safe and stable operation of new energy grid, provide users with high-quality electricity services, and thus promote the healthy development of China’s power industry.
作者 魏琛 马洪敬 WEI Chen;MA Hongjing(Shandong Hesheng Electric Co.,Ltd.,Jinan 250022,Shandong,China)
出处 《能源与节能》 2022年第11期128-130,152,共4页 Energy and Energy Conservation
关键词 新能源电网 微电源 并网 控制方法 new energy grid micro source grid connection control method
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