
Educational Leadership in China:Contexts and Issues

摘要 Introduction Educational leaders serve as important anchors,providing guidance in times of change,and being responsible for the accomplishment of educational goals.Leaders and administrators occupy positions in which they are expected to exert leadership,a process of social influence(Gamage&Pang,2003).The primary importance of educational leadership for the success of any educational institution and educational reform is universally recognized.Why do some teams and schools,as well as policies and reforms,succeed while others fail?The credit or blame tends to be assigned to the principals,administrators,curriculum or educational leaders involved.Not surprisingly,educational leadership continues to be an important area in the field of education,attracting much attention.It has been the subject of a large number of publications in the West.Comparatively,educational leadership in the East including China has been largely neglected in English language publications.
出处 《Frontiers of Education in China》 2011年第3期331-341,共11页 中国高等学校学术文摘·教育学(英文)
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