
淮北平原近57年多尺度水面蒸发悖论差异性研究 被引量:5

Study on the Difference of Multi-scale Water Surface Evaporation Paradox in Huaibei Plain in Recent 57 Years
摘要 基于淮北平原五道沟水文实验站1964-2020年实测气象资料,采用气候倾向率和完全相关系数方法开展了近57年水面蒸发量汛期(6-9月)、非汛期(10-5月)、年(1-12月)和年代多尺度变化特征及其差异性研究,并分析其成因。结果表明:(1)在全球气候变暖大背景下,近57年五道沟地区年均气温以0.27℃/10a速率上升,而蒸发皿实测蒸发量以85.8 mm/10a速率下降,该地区存在明显“蒸发悖论”现象;汛期、非汛期气温分别以0.05、0.27℃/10a速率上升,蒸发以41.49、30.39 mm/10a速率下降;“蒸发悖论”规律显著性排序为汛期>年>非汛期。(2)近5个年代中,20世纪80年代气温上升幅度最小且蒸发量下降幅度最大,“蒸发悖论”规律最显著;21世纪以来,较20世纪末悖论现象较不显著。(3)该地区“蒸发悖论”主要成因是风速减小、相对湿度增加以及日照时数减少。与1964-1989年基准期相比,1990-2020年各影响因子对蒸发量下降的贡献率为:年尺度上,风速(49.1%)>相对湿度(35.4%);汛期日照时数(34.9%)>相对湿度(32.3%)>风速(22.0%);非汛期相对湿度(73.6%)>风速(32.1%)。 Based on the meteorological data measured at Wudaogou Hydrological Experimental Station from 1964 to 2020,the multi-scale variation characteristics and their differences of water surface evaporation in flood season(June to September),non-flood season(October to May),annual(January to December) and decade in recent 57 years were studied by using the methods of climate trend rate and perfect correlation coefficient,and the causes were analyzed.The results showed that:(1)Under the background of global warming,the annual average temperature in Wudaogou region increased at a rate of 0.27 ℃/10a in recent 57 years,while the measured evaporation in pan decreased at a rate of 85.8 mm/10a,indicating an obvious "evaporation paradox" phenomenon.The air temperature in flood season and non-flood season increased at a rate of 0.05 ℃/10a and 0.27 ℃/10a,respectively,while evaporation decreased at a rate of 41.49 mm/10a and 30.39 mm/10a.The order of significance of evaporation paradox was flood season > annual > non-flood season.(2) In the past five decades,the 1980s had the smallest temperature rise and the largest evaporation decline,and the "evaporation paradox" law was the most significant.Since the 21st century,the paradox phenomenon was less obvious than that at the end of the 20th century.(3)The main causes of "evaporation paradox" in this region are the decrease of wind speed,the increase of relative humidity and the decrease of sunshine duration.Compared with the base period from 1964 to 1989,the contribution rate of each influencing factor to the decrease of evaporation from 1990 to 2020 were as followed:on the annual scale,wind speed(49.1%) > relative humidity(35.4%);Sunshine duration(34.9%) > relative humidity(32.3%) > wind speed(22.0%) in flood season;In non-flood season,relative humidity(73.6%) was higher than wind speed(32.1%).
作者 王玥 王怡宁 雷晓辉 胡永胜 赵雯颉 鞠琴 WANG Yue;WANG Yi-ning;LEI Xiao-hui;HU Yong-sheng;ZHAO Wen-jie;JU Qin(China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100089,China;Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute,Nanjing 210029,China;Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing 100038,China;Wudaogou Hydrology Experimental Station,Hydraulic Research Institute of Anhui Province,Bengbu 233000,Anhui Province,China)
出处 《节水灌溉》 北大核心 2022年第11期59-65,共7页 Water Saving Irrigation
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(52109029,52179013)。
关键词 水面蒸发悖论 汛期 非汛期 年尺度 五道沟地区 water surface evaporation paradox flood season non-flood season scales Wudaogou area
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