The emergence of African swine fever in China in 2018 has greatly increased China's demand for imported pork,but China's traditional pork importing countries have been unable to meet the demand.Argentina,as one of the most important sources of agricultural products imported by China,has maintained a good economic and trade cooperation relationship with China for a long time,and is committed to expanding the market share of its agricultural products in China and attracting Chinese investment to further stimulate the long-term recession economy.In this context,Argentina signed a pork export agreement with China to export pork to China and allow China to invest in the construction of pork production and processing plants,which has potential reciprocity for China and Argentina.For China,this agreement will help to obtain high-quality imported pork,expand import sources and ensure food security;For Argentina,this agreement is conducive to promoting employment,enriching the export structure of agricultural products,promoting technological innovation in pig breeding,and improving its trade competitiveness.There are four main reasons for the repeated postponement of the signing of the agreement:First,the Argentine people are deeply worried about the environmental pollution caused by the expansion of pork production;Second,the low transparency of the Argentine government in matters related to the agreement has caused dissatisfaction among the local people;Third,relevant organizations worry that the agreement will affect Argentina's economic security;Fourth,the possible adverse effects of actors in other countries through civil society organizations.When conducting economic cooperation with Latin American countries,China should respect each other's high requirements for society and the environment,solicit opinions from all parties before actual investment,and actively publicize and guide the prospects of China-Latin America cooperation.
CHENG Yiyang(College of Foreign Languages and Literatures,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
Journal of Yunmeng
China-Argentina Pork Agreement