
中国气象雷达技术发展及面临的挑战 被引量:3

Development and Challenge of Weather Radar Technology in China
摘要 自第一部气象雷达问世以来,气象雷达技术不断创新发展,首先经历了模拟信号气象雷达,发现了因降水产生的“天使”回波,零度层亮带;同时提出了单体回波,晴空回波、回波分裂等经典气象雷达的概念,推动了气象雷达应用和发展。其后又发展了数字化气象雷达,使得气象雷达进入了定量化测量的时代,极大地推动了气象雷达定量测降水广泛应用;进入20世纪90年代气象雷达全面进入到了多普勒气象雷达时代,多普勒气象雷达不仅能够给我们提供气象目标的热力结构特征,同时还给我们提供了气象目标的动力结构特征,如中气旋结构的发现。为深入揭示其结构与演变提供了十分重要信息。不仅如此,利用多普勒信息还有效减缓了地物影响这一难题。现在世界主要气象发达国家正在建设的多普勒双偏振气象雷达,又为我们提供了多种偏振变量,为进一步深入揭示降水云系的微物理特性,实现水凝物分类提供了坚实物理基础。本文在分析了影响气象雷达技术发展的诸多因素,提出了气象目标是决定气象雷达技术发展最为关键的因素。并在此基础上又提出了气象雷达技术发展的七个重要方向,并针对目前我国气象雷达发展面临的挑战和当前气象雷达技术发展的热点问题进行了分析阐述。提出了我国气象雷达发展的技术体制和关键问题解决的思路。目的是希望在气象雷达技术发展进程中多一些科学思想指导,使得我国气象雷达沿着可持续发展道路向前推进,由气象雷达大国成为世界气象雷达强国。 Since the invention of the first weather radar,the weather radar technology has been innovated and developed continuously.Initially,the“angel”echo,which was generated by precipitation,and the zero-layer bright band were identified by the weather radar with analog signals.Meanwhile,classic concepts of weather radar,such as single echo,clear sky echo and echo splitting were proposed,pushing forward the application and development of weather radar.Later,digital weather radar was developed,bringing radar detection into the era of quantitative measurement and promoting the prevalent application of quantitative precipitation measurement with weather radar.The 1990s witnessed the development of Doppler weather radar,which can demonstrate not only the thermal structure characteristics but also the dynamic structure characteristics of meteorological targets,for example,the discovery of mesocyclone structure.Valuable information for exploring the structure and the evolution of meteorological targets can be obtained through the application of Doppler weather radar.In addition,the use of Doppler information also effectively alleviates the influence of surface features.Currently,the dual polarization Doppler weather radar,which is being developed in the world's major developed countries,provides us with a variety of polarization variables and therefore a solid physical basis for further revealing the microphysical characteristics of precipitation clouds as well as for the classification of water condensates.After analyzing the factors influencing the development of weather radar technology,it is proposed that meteorological targets are the most essential factors determining the development of weather radar technology.Moreover,seven development directions for weather radar technology are put forward.Based on the analysis and discussion on the challenges along with the development of weather radar in China as well as on the hot topics concerning the technological development of weather radar,thinking about the technological regime and the key issues during the development of weather radar in China is put forward,aiming to offering some scientific guidelines for the advances of weather radar technology so as to ensure the sustainable development of weather radar in China.Consequently,it is hoped that China will upgrade from a big country of weather radar to a strong country of weather radar.
作者 李柏 Li Bai(Meteorological Observation Centre,China Meteorological Administration,Beijing 100081)
出处 《气象科技进展》 2022年第5期37-46,共10页 Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology
关键词 气象雷达 技术发展 挑战 weather radar development of technology challenge
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