

Study on the Interactive Relationship between Regional Logistics and Regional Economy in Yangtze River Delta Region
摘要 对2006—2020年长三角地区的三省一市面板数据进行分析,建立区域物流和经济综合评价指标体系。利用熵值法测算各指标权重系数,利用线性加权法测算地区综合发展水平值,运用耦合模型分析区域物流和区域经济的协调发展水平和地区之间耦合协调度的差别,再运用灰色关联度模型分析区域物流和区域经济的关联程度,结果表明:从长三角总体和分区域视角出发,物流与经济的耦合协调水平都呈现上升趋势且都由不协调转变成协调发展的状态,但存在地区差异,江苏省的耦合协调度最高。长三角区域整体物流和经济处于较高的关联状态,分指标来看物流就业增长率与经济的关联程度最高,固定资产投资增速与物流的关联程度最高。从物流发展与经济运行两个视角出发,对长三角区域物流与区域经济协调发展提出了相应的建议。 Based on the panel data of three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta region from 2006 to 2020,this paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation index system of regional logistics and economy.Firstly,the weight coefficient of each index is calculated by the entropy evaluation method and the comprehensive development level of the region is calculated by the linear weighting method.Then,the coupling model is used to analyze the coordinated development level of regional logistics and regional economy and the difference of the coupling coordination degree between regions.Finally,the correlation degree of regional logistics and regional economy is analyzed by the grey relational model.The results show that:From the overall and sub-regional perspectives of the Yangtze River Delta,the coupling coordination level of logistics and economy shows an upward trend and changes from uncoordinated to coordinated development,but there are regional differences,and Jiangsu Province has the highest coupling coordination degree.The overall logistics and economy in the Yangtze River Delta region are in a relatively high correlation state.In terms of sub-indicators,the growth rate of employment in logistics is the most correlated with the economy,and the growth rate of fixed asset investment is the most correlated with logistics.According to the research conclusions,this paper puts forward corresponding suggestions for the coordinated development of logistics and regional economy in the Yangtze River Delta region from two perspectives of logistics development and economic operation.
作者 梁雯 殷伟伟 Liang Wen;Yin Weiwei(Business School Anhui University,Hefei Anhui 230039,China)
机构地区 安徽大学商学院
出处 《北京化工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第3期24-33,109,共11页 Journal of Beijing University of Chemical Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“新型城镇化背景下小城镇电子商务物流发展研究”(15BJY117) 教育部社科基金项目“新时代下物流业与新型城镇化协调发展效率研究——以长三角为例”(20YJA790043) 安徽高校人文社会科学研究重点项目“新型城镇化发展对安徽省物流产业效率影响及路径分析”(SK2019A0034) 安徽省高校项目“新时代城镇化建设下安徽省物流高质量发展路径研究”(YJS20210072) 中国物流学会项目“‘物流强国’战略下城镇化与物流高质量发展研究”(2022CLSKT3-094)。
关键词 长三角地区 区域物流 区域经济 耦合度 灰色关联度 Yangtze River Delta region regional logistics regional economy the coupling grey correlation degree
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