

Optimization analysis of modified axial force element of sting balance
摘要 针对天平轴向力受法向力干扰较大的问题,提出了一种竖直梁轴向力元件的改进结构。通过理论分析和有限元仿真,获得了轴向力/法向力作用下的轴向力元件变形情况;对结构进行受力分析,得到法向力作用下的轴向力测量梁的变形特点及变形原因。提出了一种改进的轴向力元件测量梁结构,测量梁与主梁的连接夹角为不等于90°的优化夹角,该夹角通过仿真结果中的法向力对轴向力的干扰输出与轴向力有效输出之比和该夹角的线性函数关系获得。对改进的天平轴向力元件的有限元仿真结果表明:与传统轴向力元件相比,改进结构的轴向力有效输出仅减小2.77%,但法向力对轴向力的干扰输出减小了99.32%。改进的轴向力元件具有良好的抗法向力干扰的效果,适用于具有大升阻比特性的飞行器风洞模型气动力试验要求。 Aiming at the problem that the measuring of axial force is greatly disturbed by the normal force,a modified axial force element of sting balance is proposed.By means of theoretical analysis and finite element simulation,the deformation of axial force element under axial force and normal force is obtained.Meanwhile,mechanical analysis has been carried out to get the characteristics and reasons of the deformation of the measuring beam under normal force.The deflection angle between measuring beams and main beams of the modified structure is specific,and it is not 90°,which is obtained by linear fitting between the ratio of the interference of normal force on axial force to the output of axial force and the deflection angle.Simulation result of the modified structure shows that the axial force output is only reduced by 2.77%,moreover,the interference of normal force is reduced by 99.32%,compared to the conventional axial force element.The modified axial force element can obviously reduce normal force interference on normal force,so it can be used for wind tunnel aerodynamic test with large lift-to-drag ratio requirement.
作者 闵夫 解真东 戴金雯 皮兴才 杨彦广 MIN Fu;XIE Zhendong;DAI Jinwen;PI Xingcai;YANG Yanguang(Hypervelocity Aerodynamics Institute of China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China;China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center,Mianyang 621000,China)
出处 《实验流体力学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期76-82,共7页 Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics
关键词 杆式天平 轴向力元件 法向力干扰 测量梁 线性拟合 sting balance axial force element normal force interference measuring beam linear fitting
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