
基于车辆事故数据的交通事故预测综述 被引量:3

Overview of Traffic Accident Prediction Based on Vehicle Accident Data
摘要 交通事故历史数据中隐含了交通事故过程中各影响因素之间的关系,运用数据分析的结论可以作为道路交通安全管理和交通安全教育的理论依据,为相关政策的提出提供科学支持。文章就基于车辆事故数据在交通事故预测方面的研究进行综述,首先介绍了道路交通事故预测的基本流程,接着重点概述了国内外学者在事故数据预测方面使用的主要模型,然后对这些主要模型的优势和不足进行比较,并且利用灰色预测进行事故预测案例分析,最后对未来用数据预测交通事故的发展趋势进行了展望。 The relationship of various influencing factors in the process of traffic accidents is implied in the historical data of traffic accidents, and the conclusion of using data analysis can be used as a theoretical basis for road traffic safety management and traffic safety education, and provide scientific support for the proposal of related policies.This paper reviewed the research on traffic accident prediction based on vehicle accident data.Firstly, the basic process of road traffic accident prediction was introduced.Secondly, the main models used by domestic and foreign scholars in accident data prediction were highlighted.Thirdly, the advantages and shortcomings of these main models were compared and the gray prediction was used for accident prediction case studies.Finally,the future development trend of predicting traffic accidents with data was prospected.
作者 马彬涛 郝帅洁 廖星星 MA Bintao;HAO Shuaijie;LIAO Xingxing(School of Automobile,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710064,China)
出处 《汽车实用技术》 2022年第22期185-189,共5页 Automobile Applied Technology
关键词 车辆事故数据 预测模型 交通事故 案例分析 模型评价 灰色预测 Vehicle accident data Predictive models Traffic accidents Case study Model evaluation Gray prediction
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