
约瑟福斯史著中犹太先祖形象的两面性——《犹太古事记》1~4卷对摩西五经的改写 被引量:1

Double Sides of the Jewish Ancestors in Josephus——Rewriting the Pentateuch in Books 1-4 of the Jewish Antiquities
摘要 弗拉维乌斯·约瑟福斯在其《犹太古事记》1~4卷中复述了摩西五经的主要内容。他的叙述基本上遵循着更早的《希伯来圣经》和七十子译本树立的典范,但与此同时也与同时代犹太教所信奉的传统版本存在着显著差异。一方面,约瑟福斯在《犹太古事记》中借用了希腊化时期传记文学的道德标准、文字风格乃至特定习语,成功地塑造了亚伯拉罕、约瑟、摩西等一系列具备希腊英雄特征的犹太祖先形象。另一方面,他对《圣经》中英雄人物的重构仍旧受到犹太教传统观念的限制,并且不时会受到作者本人对其他民族缔造的古文明持否定态度的影响。上述两种倾向之间形成的张力在约瑟福斯《犹太古事记》中所描述的犹太民族身上留下了若干难以解释的矛盾。 Flavius Josephus retold the main content of the Pentateuch in Books 1-4 of his Jewish Antiquities.His narrative generally follows the model set up by the Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint before him,while also present noteworthy divergence from the traditional version in the contemporary Judaism.On the one hand,in the Jewish Antiquities,Josephus makes use of the moral standard,style as well as idioms in the Hellenistic biographical literature and successfully created a series of Jewish ancestors,such as Abraham,Joseph and Moses,with typical virtues of Greek heroes.On the other hand,his reconstruction of biblical heroes is still restricted by traditional ideas in Judaism and sometimes damaged by the author’s personal negative attitude towards ancient civilizations of other nations.The tension between these two tendencies leaves certain contradictions and unsettled difficulties in the Jewish identity described in Josephus’Jewish Antiquities.
作者 吕厚量 Lv Houliang
出处 《中东研究》 2022年第1期1-19,319,共20页 Middle East Studies
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助东北师范大学“双十”项目“中西文明历史经验中的公共社会价值观研究”阶段性成果。
关键词 弗拉维乌斯·约瑟福斯 犹太教 摩西五经 Flavius Josephus Judaism Pentateuch
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