The Eurasian Economic Union is currently the most active integration organizationin Eurasia.It is an economic cooperation organization dominated by Russia,but it isgenerally believed to have a strong political color.The Eurasian Economic Union hasmade some achievements since its establishment.Through economic measurement of itsachievements,it is found that there is a real need for member countries to choose to jointhe Union in terms of trade and investment.At the same time,the rules of the Union arealso fully conducive to Russia’s strategic intention to seek the status of a powerfulcountry.In the future,the Eurasian Economic Union will exist for a long time,but itmay always maintain inefficient operation,that is,the economic integration has stronglimitations in depth development,limited space expansion,and the developmentprogress and pace will be significantly lower than expected.The economic impact of theRussia-Ukraine conflict on the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union will enable them to constantly measure their own benefits and risks,and Russia will needthe support of the Union more than ever.Under the comprehensive western sanctions,the risk of a complete separation between Russia and the EU from energy trade tofinancial investment has risen sharply.The Eurasian Economic Union may move towardsa closed system in the future,and its prospect is not optimistic.
Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies
Eurasian Economic Union
Economic Integration
Trade Intensity
Regional Economic Cooperation
Russia-Ukraine Conflict