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5Christina Stoll. Makerspaces-Surveying the Scene in Illinois [EB/OL]. [2013-09-25]. http://www.in- fodocket.com/2013/03/12/new-article-rnakerspaces-sur veying-the-scene-in-illinois/.
6Chicago Public Library. The Richard M Daley Branch [EB/OL]. [2013-08 - 13 ]. http'.//www.chipublib.org/ branch/details/library/daley-w-humboldt/p/History/.
7Lauren Britton. The Makings of Maker Spaces, Part1 : Space for Creation, Not Just Consumption [EB/OL ]. [2013-09-27]. http'J/www.thedi(atalshift.com/2012/ 10/public-services/the-makings-of-maker-spaces-part- 1 -space-for-creation-not-j ust-consumption/.