
早期心房颤动筛查的成本效果分析研究进展 被引量:3

Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Early Screening for Atrial Fibrillation:a Review of Recent Advances
摘要 心房颤动(简称房颤)是临床上较为常见的心律失常之一,无症状房颤发作隐匿,居民知晓率低,易导致不良结局,带来沉重负担,疾病筛查应先行于并发症的预防,无症状房颤的筛查和科学管理至关重要。当前国内外房颤筛查的焦点问题包括最适筛查人群的探讨、筛查设备与方式的优选、筛查参与度的提升、确诊者抗凝治疗的规范及最佳经济性筛查方案的评估。本研究纳入25篇房颤筛查相关文献,系统梳理近5年患者管理指南中的房颤筛查部分,综合专家意见,从常规筛查的筛查策略、筛查设备、筛查参与度、抗凝参与度及卒中后筛查的监测时长、监测方式方面,分析目前房颤筛查的研究进展,并从卫生经济学的角度,剖析房颤筛查的策略对成本效果的影响,明晰筛查和抗凝治疗参与率的经济性作用,以期指导临床实践。目前国际上房颤筛查与管理的公认指南为《欧洲心律学会指南》及《北美心律学会指南》,房颤筛查成本效果的相关研究多采用马尔可夫(Markov)模型进行终生模拟,卫生经济学评价指标包括卒中事件、出血事件、质量调整寿命年(QALY)、增量成本效果比(ICER)等。多数指南/共识建议选取65~75岁的高风险人群应用便携单导联心电仪等新型设备进行常规筛查,以利于连续监测,提升房颤检出率;对于卒中后筛查,国内外指南均强调在隐源性短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)/卒中患者中进行房颤筛查,筛查手段主要聚焦到长程心电图和植入式心电记录设备(ICM)上。综上,虽然目前对房颤筛查成本效果的认识已经取得一定进展,但仍存在许多分歧有待弥合,同时我国相关研究不充分,对房颤筛查的卫生经济学研究更为欠缺,未来需要基于国内的环境,构建更加准确、具体的筛查模型,通过大量实践完善我国的房颤管理指南,为提升居民寿命和生活质量、减轻医疗经济负担提供循证依据。 Atrial fibrillation(AF)is one of common clinical arrhythmias,among which asymptomatic AF is insidious,poorly understood,and prone to adverse outcomes,bringing a serious burden to patients.As disease screening is a measure that should be implemented prior to the prevention of disease-related complications,it is crucial to carry out asymptomatic AF screening and scientific management.Current hot issues in screening for AF include the selection of the most appropriate screening population,the selection of screening devices and modalities,the improvement of screening participation,standard indications of anticoagulation therapy for those diagnosd,and the evaluation of the best economic screening option.We included twenty-five articles related to screening for atrial fibrillation,and systematically reviewed the AF screening section in AF management guidelines published in recent five years and opinions of relevant experts,then gave a summary of the latest advances in AF screening,involving screening strategies,screening devices,screening participation,anticoagulation treatment participation and monitoring duration and monitoring modalities in post-stroke screening,and the association of screening strategies on cost-effectiveness of the screening analyzed using a perspective in health economics,as well as economic impact of patient participation in screening and anticoagulation treatment.All these are beneficial to the guidance for clinical practice.The more internationally recognised guidelines for the screening and management of atrial fibrillation are the European Heart Rhythm Society guidelines and the North American Heart Rhythm Society guidelines.Most studies on the cost-effectiveness of AF screening have used Markov models for lifetime simulation.Health economics analyses include stroke events,bleeding events,quality-adjusted life year(QALY),and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio(ICER).Most guidelines recommend routine screening with newer devices,such as portable single-lead ECGs in high-risk groups aged 65-75 years,to facilitate continuous monitoring and improve AF detection rates;for post-stroke screening,national and international guidelines emphasize screening for AF in patients with cryptogenic transient ischemic attacks(TIA)/stroke,with the main focus on Long-range ECG and implantation of an insertable cardiac monitor(ICM).In summary,although some progress has been made in understanding the cost-effectiveness of AF screening,many differences still need to be fitted,and the health economics of AF screening are poorly understood in China.This will provide an evidence-based basis for improving life expectancy and quality of life and reducing the economic burden of healthcare.
作者 汤志杰 孙国珍 王洁 刘沈馨雨 鲍志鹏 杨刚 王琳 TANG Zhijie;SUN Guozhen;WANG Jie;LIU Shenxinyu;BAO Zhipeng;YANG Gang;WANG Lin(School of Nursing,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210000,China;Department of Cardiology,the First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210000,China)
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第1期104-112,117,共10页 Chinese General Practice
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72074124) 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程三期“护理学”(苏政办发[2018]87号) 江苏省人民医院“临床能力提升工程”护理项目(院发[2021]20号)。
关键词 心房颤动 疾病早期检查 诊断筛查项目 全科医学 成本效果分析 Atrial fibrillation Early detection of disease Diagnostic screening programs General practice Cost-effectiveness analysis
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