

Integrated optimization of robust layout and input/output points in multi-line workshop
摘要 车间布局最重要的指标是物料搬运成本,而上下料口的位置会直接影响物料搬运距离,进而影响搬运成本。针对多行车间布局优化中上下料口与设施顺序交互影响的问题,并考虑动态需求下如何提高布局的鲁棒性,以最小化物料搬运成本、设施包络矩形面积为优化目标,提出了多行车间上下料口与鲁棒性布局集成优化模型。同时设计了带有扩大初始种群、动态自适应交叉、变异及均匀进化精英保留策略的改进的NSGA-Ⅱ。通过算例,将集成优化与独立优化结果及不同算法求解结果进行对比,验证了所设计模型及算法的有效性。 The most important objective of facility layout problem is material handling cost,and the location of the input/output points directly affects the material handling distance,and then affects the handling cost.Aiming at the problem that the interaction between input/output points and facility layout in multi-line workshop,at the same time,to consider how to improve the robustness of the layout under dynamic demand,a model of the integrated optimization considering input/output points and robust layout was proposed.The model minimizes material handling cost and facility envelope rectangular area.And an improved NSGA-Ⅱwith the strategy of enlarging initial population,dynamic adaptive crossover,mutation and uniform evolutionary elite retention was designed.Through an example,the results of integrated optimization are compared with the results of independent optimization and the results of different algorithms are compared Finally,the effectiveness of the integrated model and the improved algorithm is verified.
作者 张洪亮 孙方姝 ZHANG Hong-liang;SUN Fang-shu(Key Laboratory of Multidisciplinary Management and Control of Complex Systems of Anhui Higher Education Institutes,Ma’anshan 243002;School of Management Science and Engineering,Anhui University of Technology,Ma’anshan 243032)
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期62-71,共10页 Journal of Machine Design
基金 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目(2208085MG181) 复杂系统多学科管理与控制安徽普通高校重点实验室开放基金重点项目(CS2021-ZD01)。
关键词 上下料口 鲁棒性布局 集成优化 改进的NSGA-Ⅱ input/output points robust layout integrated optimization improved NSGA-II
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