
自由贸易协定金融信息传送规则构建 被引量:3

Research on Financial Information Transfer Clause in FTA
摘要 在国际贸易法框架下,金融信息传送规则中最核心的“金融信息传送”条款源起于乌拉圭回合一揽子协定中《关于金融服务承诺的谅解》中的“信息传送和信息处理”条款,后在各FTA中也相继出现。数字经济背景下,对跨境数据流动规制的关注开始集中于电子商务和数字贸易领域,“金融信息传送”条款也因此在近年来的FTA中被电子商务或数字贸易的跨境信息传送规则所吸收。然而一体化规制方法仍然存在许多基础性问题待解决,应当谨慎看待。现阶段,“金融信息传送”条款已经发展出了“金融信息传送自由原则+个人数据、个人隐私、个人记录和账户机密性例外+有限度的监管例外”的基本结构,并在数据本地化问题下衍生出了“金融服务计算设施所在地规则”。中国应在坚持数据主权立场的基础上,升级FTA金融信息传送规则,从国际规则遵守者向国际规则制定者转变,以期维护本国在金融服务领域和数字科技领域的进攻利益。 Under the framework of international trade law,transfer of financial information clause constitutes the core part of financial information transfer rules.Originated from Transfers of Information and Processing of Information clause in Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services which was appended to the Final Act of the Uruguay Round,transfer of financial information clause was subsequently adopted by numerous FTAs.With digital economy upsurge,attention to the regulation of cross-border data flows began to focus on e-commerce and digital trade.As a result,there is a trend to integrate transfer of financial information clause into cross-border information transfer provisions of e-commerce or digital trade in FTA in recent years.However,there are still many fundamental issues to be resolved in the integrated regulation approach,and should be viewed with caution.At the present stage,transfer of financial information clause have developed a basic structure of“freedom of financial information transfer as principle+personal data,personal privacy and the confidentiality of individual records and accounts exception+limited regulatory exception”and rules on the“location of financial services computing facilities”have been derived from the issue of data localization.China should upgrade the FTA financial information transfer rules on the basis of its position on data sovereignty and shift from being an international rule-taker to an international rule-maker,with a view to safeguarding its offensive interests in the financial services and digital technology sectors.
作者 马光 卜小翠 Ma Guang;Bu Xiaocui
出处 《财经法学》 CSSCI 2022年第6期111-124,共14页 Law and Economy
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“建立健全我国网络综合治理体系研究”(20ZDA062) 浙江省科技计划项目“智能司法开放创新平台开发及应用示范--基于人工智能的司法服务平台及示范应用”(2020C01060)的阶段性成果 浙江省法学会2022年度法学研究课题“涉外企业合规风险控制研究”(2022NB14)的成果。
关键词 跨境数据流动 金融信息传送 FTA 金融信息传送条款 金融数据出境 cross-border data flows financial information transfer FTA transfer of financial information clause financial data exit
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