

Influence parameters of impact force exerted on pier by vehicle
摘要 为了分析不同车辆参数对车撞桥墩撞击力的影响,基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA平台,采用F800双轴卡车模型,建立了车桥碰撞有限元模型。考虑卡车车厢货物刚度、撞击偏心距、车辆重量和车辆撞击速度4种参数的变化,计算了各种工况下的撞击力,并与规范限值进行了比较。结果表明:偏心距不同时,撞击力峰值差异较大,且车辆不同部位与桥墩撞击产生的撞击力峰值也不相同;货物刚度对撞击力峰值有一定影响;撞击力峰值随车重和撞击速度的增加而显著增大。 By the use of ANSYS/LS-DYNA platform and F800 biaxial truck model,the finite element model of vehicle-bridge collision is established to analyze the influence parameters of impact force exerted on pier by vehicle.Taking account of the variation of impact eccentricity,the cargo stiffness of the truck carriage,the vehicle weight and the impact velocity,the impact forces under different working conditions are calculated and compared with the values specified at standards.The results show that when the impact eccentricities are different,there are much difference among the peak impact forces,and the peak impact forces occurred when impact positions of vehicle are different are not same;the cargo stiffness of the truck carriage has some influences on the peak impact force;the peak impact force increases with the increment of vehicle weight and impact velocity.
作者 岳凯乐 王贵春 YUE Kai-le;WANG Gui-chun(School of Civil Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China)
出处 《河南城建学院学报》 CAS 2022年第5期30-35,共6页 Journal of Henan University of Urban Construction
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(52408554)。
关键词 货物刚度 撞击偏心距 撞击速度 撞击力 等效静力 cargo stiffness impact eccentricity impact velocity impact force equivalent static force
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