

Particle Multimodality Monitoring and Hemodynamics
摘要 血流动力学优化是重症医学危重患者复苏的关键,处理延迟或不当将不可避免地造成机体灌注不足、组织缺氧和多器官功能障碍,从而影响患者结局。血流动力学管理的关键原则是根据当前组织代谢情况优化血流及氧流。要实现这一目标需要获取并监测血压、心输出量、器官特异性自动调节和组织微循环等参数。鉴于指标的多样性和连续性,通过临床监测提供的数据十分庞大,同一时段可有近百项数据客观呈现患者的病理生理状态,而不同时段的数据变化可为患者的病情进展描述提供理论支撑。因此,基于毫秒级高分辨率数据的时域/频域整合分析,即颗粒化多模态监测,将促进血流动力学认知与实践迈入微观化,有助于更清晰地判断患者病情并进行更精准的治疗。 Hemodynamic optimization is key to resuscitation of critically ill patients in intensive medicine.Delayed or improper treatment will inevitably lead to hypoperfusion,tissue hypoxia and multiple organ failure,which affects the patients'outcome.Therefore,early identification of patients at risk and implementation of adequate monitoring and guidance intervention have a profound impact on the results.The key principle of hemodynamic management is to optimize blood flow and oxygen flow according to current tissue metabolism.To achieve this goal,we need to monitor and get blood pressure,cardiac output,organspecific automatic regulation and tissue microcirculation.However,the clinical monitoring data is huge.At the same time nearly one hundred pieces of data objectively present the pathophysiological state of the patient,and the changes of data at different time periods can describe the progress of the patients'condition.Therefore,the integrated analysis of time/frequency domain based on millisecondlevel highresolution data will promote the understanding and practice of hemodynamics at microcosmic level,and help to facilitate clearer judgment and more precise treatment of patients'condition.
作者 宋天娇 王小亭 晁彦公 SONG Tianjiao;WANG Xiaoting;CHAO Yangong(ICU of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tsinghua University,Beijing 100020,China;Department of Critical Care Medicine,Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100730,China)
出处 《协和医学杂志》 CSCD 2022年第6期942-947,共6页 Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital
基金 国家自然科学基金(81771938)。
关键词 多模态监测 血流动力学 脓毒症 重症 multimodal monitoring hemodynamic sepsis critically ill
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