

Research on Simulation Method of Vehicle Composite Antenna
摘要 首先基于Altair商用软件,根据提出的建模标准,搭建了包含整车的PEPS低频天线仿真模型,从工程开发的角度介绍了车载PEPS天线的仿真分析方法,并对比分析了天线附近的金属件对天线辐射性能的影响。分析发现,PEPS天线附近的小结构金属件对其磁场覆盖范围和外溢距离影响不大。此外,对于电小结构件,采用MOM+VEP的求解算法进行PEPS天线性能预测是高效可靠的技术方案,该方法可在整车环境下,天线设计前期,快速评估天线的工作性能,为确认或优化布置方案提供依据,减少产品开发后期成本及时间控制的风险。 The simulation model of PEPS low-frequency antenna for electromagnetic calculation is established by adopting Altair software.This paper mainly introduces the simulation analysis method of PEPS antenna from the perspective of engineering application,and compares and analyzes the influence of metal parts near the antenna on the radiation performance of the antenna.From the analysis results,the metal parts have little effect on the magnetic field coverage and overflow distance of the antenna,but the overflow distance is slightly larger.In addition,for small electrical structures,it is an efficient and reliable technical scheme to use MOM+VEP solution algorithm to predict the performance of PEPS antenna.This method can quickly evaluate the radiation performance of the whole antenna in the early stage of antenna development,providing a basis for confirming or optimizing the layout scheme,and reducing the risk of cost and time control in the later stage of product development.
作者 付似愚 FU Si-yu(Jiangling Motors Corporation Limited Company,Nanchang 330200,Jiangxi)
出处 《电脑与电信》 2022年第8期80-83,共4页 Computer & Telecommunication
关键词 PEPS天线 仿真 辐射性能 磁场分布 PEPS antenna simulation radiation performance magnetic field distribution
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