

Structural network algorithm method for investigating therapeutic rules of Zhenwu Guo for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
摘要 目的 利用结构网络算法探究及总结郭振武教授对于慢性阻塞性肺疾病的特色辨治方法及用药规律,结合其学术思想,发掘临床治疗经验。方法 收集就诊于郭教授门诊,符合纳排标准的104位慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者的首诊资料,录入FangNet平台,基于Jaccard指数与关联规则,合并PageRank算法所得分数对组方中药物进行数据提取、标准化处理与多方向分析。结果 所有处方共涉及药物155味;在20味核心药物中,“三白汤”组分占9味,单味药使用频次普遍>40次,多分布于急性加重期社群网络,彼此多具有最高等级的共现性。155味药物以性温、味甘,入肺、肝经者居多,循彼此功效相似性分成9组药群,其中以“焦三仙”、天麻等构成的C1群在处方中使用频率最高;通过筛选药物使用频率与药症关联发现组方中多种随症加减方式。结论 通过结构网络算法分别进行组方中药物、药症间权重排序,结合网络中的重要节点,归纳郭教授在慢性阻塞性肺疾病的治疗特点如下:(1)常以其自拟“三白汤”为基础方加减,切中核心病机;(2)多用“焦三仙”与天麻调节脏腑气机升降,每获良效。 Objective To explore and summarize the characteristics of syndrome differentiation and treatment and the rules of medication of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) by Prof.Zhenwu Guo using structural network algorithm.And to excavate the clinical treatment experience of Prof.Guo by combining his academic ideas.Methods The first diagnostic data of 104 COPD outpatients who met the criteria of nanotoxoid were collected,enrolled into the FangNet platform.Based on the Jaccard index and association rule,and combined the scores obtained from PageRank algorithm to conduct data extraction,standardization and multidirectional analysis of drugs in decoction.Results A total of 155 kinds of Chinese herbs were involved by all prescriptions.Among the 20 kinds of core Chinese herbs,“San-Bai Decoction” accounted for 9 kinds,and use frequency of single herb was common more than 40 times.They mostly distributed in the acute exacerbation phase community networks,and had the highest grade of mutual co-occurrence.One hurdred and fifty-five kinds of Chinese drugs are dominated by warms of nature,sweet flavor,and entering the lung and liver meridian.They were divided into 9 groups based on efficacy similarity,of which C1 group consisting of “Jiao-San-Xian”,gastrodia and so on are most frequently used in the prescriptions.Multiplemodification patterns according to symptoms were found by screening frequency of drug use and drug symptom association.Conclusion Through the structural network algorithm for weight ranking of interrlationship between herbs and the ralationship of herbs and symptoms,combined with the important nodes in the network,we summarize the experience of treatment of COPD by Prof.Guo with the following characteri-stics:It is often prescribed the modification of his own formula “San-Bai Decoction”,which hit the core pathogenesis;Often use “Jiao-San-Xian” and gastrodia to regulate the promotion and demotion of the movement of Qi of Zang and Fu,gaining good effect.
作者 庞文玮 李丁蕾 崔英海 于雪峰 郭振武 庞敏 齐兆东 PANG Wen-wei;LI Ding-lei;CUI Ying-hai;YU Xue-feng;GUO Zhen-wu;PANG Min;QI Zhao-dong(Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shenyang,Liaoning 110032,China)
出处 《中国地方病防治》 CAS 2022年第4期271-274,共4页 Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases
基金 国家重点研发计划“中医药现代化研究”:基于“道术结合”思路与多元融合方法的名老中医经验传承创新研究(2018YFC1704100) 东北部地区名老中医学术观点、特色诊疗方法和重大疾病防治经验研究(2018YFC1704105) 2019辽宁省中医药临床学(专)科服务能力建设项目-三位一体整体治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病诊疗方案及临床评价研究(LNZYXZK201901)。
关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 数据挖掘 名医经验 郭振武 三白汤 FangNet平台 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Data mining Experience of famous doctor Guo Zhenwu San-Bai Decoction FangNet platform
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