
我国成人对《健康中国行动(2019-2030年)》呼吸系统疾病部分的认知程度 被引量:5

Chinese adults′cognition of respiratory diseases in Healthy China Initiative(2019—>2030)
摘要 目的调查了解我国成人对《健康中国行动(2019—2030年)》呼吸健康部分认知程度。方法于2022年1—2月采用网络二维码在依托微信平台发放电子问卷的方式,对我国32个省份年龄≥18岁人群(孕、产妇除外)进行针对《健康中国行动(2019—2030年)》呼吸健康部分的调查问卷,共发放问卷5892份,回收有效问卷4754份。采用χ^(2)检验的统计方法对调查对象基本情况、不同地区人群对内容的认知、体力活动与年龄分层的相关性、戒烟与疾病相关性和慢阻肺的常见认知误区进行分析。结果本研究4754例调查对象中,城市3462例,农村1292例。在主动参加肺癌筛查、定期体检、无减少危险因素暴露意识、肺结核患者隔离、肺结核患者减少出行、接触肺结核患者戴口罩、主动学习医学保健知识以及遇到健康问题及时就诊方面,城市人群认知程度均高于农村(均P<0.05)。18~64岁人群中等强度体力活动达标率为72.7%;高强度体力活动达标率为83.8%。≥65岁的人群在中等强度及高强度体力活动中的达标率分别是82.3%、85.7%;18~64岁人群和≥65岁的人群轻等强度体力活动占比分别是65.2%、87.6%。是否患有呼吸系统疾病以及是否长期被呼吸系统疾病困扰与患者的戒烟决心之间存在相关性(均P<0.05)。我国成年人群对慢阻肺各项常见认知误区率在13.0%~38.0%,大学及以上学历人群认为即使提高慢阻肺认知、规范诊疗对疾病的治疗依旧无效的认知误区率高达30.3%;此外大学及以上学历人群在慢阻肺症状轻无需干预、慢阻肺症状缓解便可停药这2种认知误区率分别为24.2%、25.8%,均高于小学学历和初高中学历人群(均P<0.05)。结论我国成人对《健康中国行动(2019—2030年)》呼吸系统疾病早期筛查、减少危险因素暴露、肺结核防控、科普知识获取的认知总体不佳,≤65岁人群高强度体力活动参与度不足,高文化程度人群的认知也并未表现出优势。 Objective To investigate the cognition of Chinese adults on respiratory health in the Healthy China Initiative(2019—2030).Methods From January 2022 to February 2022,the electronic questionnaire was distributed by using the two-dimensional code on the Wechat platform.The questionnaire involving the respiratory health part of the Healthy China Initiative(2019—2030)was conducted among people aged≥18 years(except pregnant and postpartum women)in 32 provincial administrative regions in China.A total of 5892 questionnaires were distributed,4754 valid questionnaires were recovered.Chi square test was used to analyze the basic situation of the survey subjects,the cognition of people in different regions to the content,the correlation between physical activity and age stratification,the correlation between smoking cessation and disease,and the common cognitive misunderstanding of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Results Of the 4754 subjects in this study,3462 were from urban area and 1292 were from rural area.In terms of active participation in lung cancer screening,regular physical examination,no awareness of reducing risk factors exposure,isolation of pulmonary tuberculosis patients,reduction of travel of pulmonary tuberculosis patients,wearing masks when contact with pulmonary tuberculosis patients,active learning of medical and health care knowledge,and timely medical treatment in case of health problems,the cognition status of people in the city was better than people in the rural areas(all P<0.05).The compliance rates of moderate intensity physical activity and high intensity physical activity were 72.7%and 83.8%,respectively,among the population aged 18—64 years old;the compliance rates of moderate intensity physical activity and high intensity physical activity were 82.3%and 85.7%,respectively,among the population aged≥65 years old;the proportions of light intensity physical activity in people aged 18—64 and≥65 years old were 65.2%and 87.6%,respectively.There was a correlation between whether the patients had respiratory diseases and whether they were troubled by respiratory diseases for a long time and their determination to quit smoking(all P<0.05);the rate of common misconceptions about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among Chinese adults was between 13.0%and 38.0%,and the rate of misconceptions among people with college education or above who believed that even if the cognition of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was improved and the diagnosis and treatment were standardized,the treatment of the disease was still ineffective was as high as 30.3%;in addition,the rate of two cognitive misunderstandings(when the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were mild,no intervention was needed;the medication can be discontinued when the symptoms were relieved)of people with college education or above were 24.2%and 25.8%,respectively,which were higher than those with primary school education and junior high school education(all P<0.05).Conclusions The cognition of Chinese adults on early screening of respiratory diseases,reduction of exposure to risk factors,prevention and control of tuberculosis,and acquisition of scientific knowledge in the Healthy China Initiative(2019—2030)is generally poor.The participation of people<65 years old in high-intensity physical activities is insufficient,and the cognition of people with high education level does not show advantages.
作者 王叶 杨汀 王辰 Wang Ye;Yang Ting;Wang Chen(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029,China;Respiratory Center of China Japan Friendship Hospital,National Respiratory Medicine Center,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《中华健康管理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第10期715-720,共6页 Chinese Journal of Health Management
基金 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程项目(2021-I2M-1-049)。
关键词 肺疾病 认知水平 《健康中国行动(2019—2030年)》 问卷调查 Lung diseases Cognitive level Healthy China Initiative(2019—2030) Questionnaires
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