

Improvisational Writing and Spatial Metaphor:Stendhal’s Narrative Characteristics and Its Inner Meaning Centered on The Charterhouse of Parma
摘要 在《帕尔马修道院》中,司汤达以即兴写作和空间隐喻为叙事方式,从文学的角度形象地表达了对自由、幸福等启蒙时代重要观念的理解。司汤达擅长细腻的心理描写,并致力于对情感与幸福的研究,将幸福的概念与自由思想、自主行事联系起来,肯定具有独立精神的个体可从自由的行为和追寻自我的过程中达到幸福。即兴创作时的自由想象为丰富单一情节和多样性叙事提供可能,构成赋予不同人物以幸福感受的前提。空间意象构成了作品的另一重要方面。正是通过多样的空间意象,司汤达展现了人物丰富的精神世界和内在的心理活动,而主人公在精神领域对幸福的追寻与向往也由此得到敞开。在司汤达笔下,空间意象不再是单一的文本叙事背景,而是成为调动人物感官、展开多元社会关系、探索主体存在方式的场所。以上叙事进路既折射了特定的时代特征下近代启蒙思想的影响,也以文学的形式表达了人类的普遍关切,呈现出恒久的意义。 In The Charterhouse of Parma,Stendhal uses improvisational writing and spatial metaphor as narrative methods.From a literary point of view,it vividly expresses the understanding of the important concepts of the Age of Enlightenment such as freedom and happiness.As a writer,Stendhal is good at detailed psychological description,and is committed to the study of emotion and happiness.He connects the concept of happiness with free thought and independent action,and affirms that individuals with independent spirit can achieve happiness through free behavior and self-searching.The free imagination during improvisational writing provides the possibility for enriching single plots and diverse narratives,and also constitutes a prerequisite for giving different characters a feeling of happiness.Spatial metaphor constitutes another important aspect of The Charterhouse of Parma.It is through various space images that Stendhal shows the rich spiritual world and inner psychological activities of the characters in the novel.And the protagonist’s pursuit and yearning for happiness in the spiritual sphere has also been opened up.In Stendhal’s writings,the spatial image is no longer a single textual narrative,but a space that mobilizes the senses of characters,triggers emotions,develops multiple social relationships,and explores the way the subject exists.The above narrative approachs not only reflect the influence of modern enlightenment thought,which has its specific characteristics of the times,but also express the universal concern of mankind in the form of literature,and thus present a lasting meaning.
作者 杨亦雨 Yang Yiyu(School of Foreign Languages,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期42-48,共7页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 司汤达 即兴写作 空间意象 自由 幸福 Stendhal improvisational writing spatial metaphor freedom happiness
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