在《哈德良回忆录》中,疾病主题具有无法忽视的特殊意义。尤瑟纳尔严格依据历史文献,摹写罗马皇帝哈德良的病症,但将史书所记哈德良自杀未遂、陷入绝境,有意改写成其主动放弃自杀,坦然接受命运。小说的改写,援用了出土文书P.Fay. 19“哈德良致安东尼信”展现的勇气和达观态度,并以此为基础,重构哈德良患病后的整体形象,同时赋予这位皇帝浓厚的人文主义色彩。尤瑟纳尔的上述创作手法,一方面体现其运用史料的严谨,另一方面也反映出突破史料局限的巧妙,在古代心灵与现代意识的契合处,对人物进行充满热情的重构和发挥。
In Mémoires d’Hadrien, illness has an unavoidable, special meaning. Marguerite Yourcenar portrays the Roman Emperor Hadrian’s illness on the basis of historical records, yet she rewrites Hadrian’s failed suicide attempt and despair, also recorded in literary sources, portraying him as giving up suicide willingly and accepting his destiny in peace. The novel adopts the courageous and philosophical attitude expressed in the unearthed document P. Fay. 19, “Letter of the Emperor Hadrian to Antoninus”, reconstructs the whole image of Hadrian in his illness, adding a strong humanistic tone to the Emperor. Yourcenar’s approach demonstrates both a careful use of historical materials and the finesse to move beyond them. While the ancient soul echoes the modern mind, Yourcenar is able to reconstruct and develop the character with great passion.
Foreign Literatures